Teachers’ Beliefs about Family Involvement in Education


  • Ángel Alberto Valdés Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
  • Pedro Antonio Sánchez Escobedo Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán


Familia, participación, docentes, creencias

Supporting Agencies:

Programa de Fortalecimiento Institucional a la Investigación (ITSON)


This study aimed to understand the beliefs of teachers that hinder parent involvement in the education of their children at elementary school level. Twenty teachers were chosen from two schools of low socioeconomic status and low parent involvement in a state in northwestern Mexico. The teachers took part in in-depth interviews and answered an open-ended questionnaire. It was found that the teachers ascribe this low level of involvement to the parents’ lack of interest and sense of responsibility. The teachers do not consider it necessary to implement specific strategies to involve families, and they simply give information and face up to the situation. It is concluded that teachers’ beliefs are an obstacle to parent involvement, and therefore, it is necessary to raise awareness to enable teachers to restate their beliefs on the value of parent involvement in education.


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