Online first

En esta sección se incluyen los manuscritos aceptados para publicación que aún se encuentran en proceso de edición y maquetación.

La Primera versión en línea (Online First) es una copia de galerada en PDF que incluye un DOI, por lo que ya puede ser referenciada, ampliando así la ventana de citación del artículo.

Volume 26 | 2024

Beliefs of teacher education students about wordless picturebooks

Reading in Spanish: Chinese College Students’ Strategic Learning

Representations on Teacher Identity in Special Education in Chile

Gaze, conversational structures, and mediation in Chilean primary education

How to evaluate teacher collaboration? The case of the National Teacher Recognition System in Chile

Identification of the necessary teaching features for the formation of effective co-teaching pairs

Influence of digital teaching competencies and other factors on participation in massive online courses

Professional problems in teacher training: Analysis of a reflective cycle

Parental perceptions about gifted children and their school experience

Design of an interactive textbook to learning with engagement

Teachers' social justice attitudes and behaviours in challenging contexts: a case study

Simulation for student dropout and educational alternatives between presence-distance after COVID-19

Profiles of expectations and academic readiness in higher technical

Cheating culture, behaviors related to corruption and university students

Reconstruction of training- professional trajectories upon graduation from postgraduate studies

A peer tutoring programme for the mathematical problem solving

Vocational education and training in Chile: collaborative work and distributed leadership

Teaching didactics for critical thinking in virtual environments

The University Curriculum from a Socio-Formative Approach: The Case of a Peruvian University

Gender and School Improvement in Primary Education Schools

Mentoring Through Practicum Settings into Teacher Training for Social Change

Volumen 27 | 2025

Challenges in the practice of co-teaching in intercultural education for teaching the mapuche language and culture in Chile

Analytics and Usage Gaps of Digital Platforms for Mathematics Education in Uruguay

Relevance of financial training and quantitative reasoning during higher education

COVID–19 and higher education teachers: Pedagogical and emotional response

Chilean educational psychologists: transitioning to the indirect approach of intervention

Emotional impact of COVID-19 on teacher training

Transition from preschool to elementary school: family perspective in Dominican Republic

Attitudes toward research in undergraduate psychology students at a public university in Mexico: A cross-sectional study

The construction of the student as a political subject in inclusive Schools

Types of Feedback for Strategic Reading in Large Lectures

Curricular evaluation of a postgraduate in the voice of its actors

Teaching history in Mexico: teachers' perceptions in primary education