Access and Equity in Distance Education: Research and Development and Quality Concerns
Open and distance education, quality, access, equity.Abstract
The essence of distance education, and also of open education, is to provide opportunities for learning to everyone who lacks educational possibilities or credentials, without regarding the absence of previous education, social or economic status, or the location of residence. One of the challenges of this type of education has been to convince the other societal institutions that its quality is equivalent to the education imparted by traditional institutions that provide education in face-to-face settings. The assumption of this article is that to reach the social goals of equity and access, open and distance education must be of high quality. This article presents four criteria of quality that may be applied to open and distance education to measure and demonstrate excellence: effort, performance, adequacy, efficiency and process. For each criterion there is a series of questions that an institution can ask to evaluate its degree of quality. The contribution to quality of two types of research, institutional research and mission-critical research, is also described in terms of the experience of a Canadian open university.Downloads
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Peterson, M. W. y Dill, D. D. (1997). Understanding the competitive environment of the postsecondary knowledge industry. En M. W. Peterson, D. D. Dill y L. A. Mets (Eds.), Planning and management for a changing environment: A handbook on redesigning postsecondary institutions (pp. 3-29). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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Rao, M. S., Srinivasacharyulu, G. y Mohanraj, J. (Eds.). (1995). Quality assurance in distance education. Hyderabad: Centre for Evaluation, Universidad Abierta Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
Rao, P. V. y Rao, L. M. (1999). Strategies that support instructional technologies. Syllabus, 12 (7) 22-24.
Tillekeratne, K. (2001, noviembre). Curriculum reforms and quality assurance in higher education. Trabajo presentado en el Seminar on Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century, Universidad de Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Boyer, E. L. (1997). Scholarship reconsidered: priorities of the professoriate. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Cambridge, B. (1999). The scholarship of teaching and learning: Questions and answers from the field. AAHE Bulletin 52 (4), 7-10. También disponible en línea en:
Cross, K. P. (1996). Classroom Research: Implementing the Scholarship of Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Daniel, J. (1996). Mega-universities and knowledge media: Technology strategies for higher education. Londres: Kogan Page.
Daniel, J. (1999, abril). Distance learning in the era of networks. The ACU Bulletin of Current Documentation, 138, 7-9.
Deshpande, P. M. (1995). Quality assurance - Distance education issues. En M. S. Rao, G. Srinivasacharyulu y J. Mohanraj (Eds.), Quality assurance in distance education (pp. 11-18). Hyderabad: Centre for Evaluation, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University.
Dusen, G. C. van. (2000). Digital dilemma: Issues of access, cost, and quality in media-enhanced and distance education. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports 27 (5), 1-120. También disponible en línea en:
Glassick, C. E., Huber, M. T. y Maeroff, G. I. (1997). Scholarship assessed: Evaluation of the professoriate. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Gumport, P. J. y Sporn, B. (1999). Institutional adaptation: Demands for management reform and university administration. En J. C. Smart y W. G. Tierney (Eds.), Higher education: Handbook of theory and Research (Vol. 14, pp. 103-145). Nueva York: Agathon Press.
Hülsmann, T. (1999). The costs of distance education. En K. Harry (Ed.), Higher education through open and distance learning (pp. 72-89). Londres: Routledge.
Hutchings, P. y Shulman, L. S. (1999). The scholarship of teaching: New elaborations, new developments. Change, 31 (5), 10-15.
Kaye, A. (1981). Origins and structures. En A. Kaye y G. Rumble (Eds.), Distance teaching for higher and adult education (pp. 15-31). Londres: Croom Helm-Open University Press.
Kells, H. R. (1995). Responding to ambiguity: A critique of the World Bank's analysis of quality assurance, responsiveness and equity. En L. Buchert y K. King (Eds.), Learning from experience: Policy and practice in aid to higher education (Paperback No. 24, pp.167-181). La Haya, Holanda: Centre for the Study of Education in Developing Countries (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 386 081).
Latchem, C. y Hanna, D. E. (2001). Changes, challenges and choices. En C. Latchem y D. E. Hanna (Eds.), Leadership for 21st century learning: Global perspectives from educational innovators (pp. 15-26). Londres: Kogan Page.
Milam, Jr., J. H. (2000, mayo). Cost analysis of online courses. Trabajo presentado en el 40th Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Cincinnati, Ohio (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 445 649).
Office of Institutional Studies, Athabasca University. (2002). Operational Plan 2002/03 to 2004/05. Athabasca, Alberta: Athabasca University.
Paul, R. (1993). Open universities - the test of all models. En K. Harry, M. John y D. Keegan, Distance education: New perspectives (pp. 114-125). Londres: Routledge.
Panda, S. (1999). Open and distance education: Policies, practices and quality concerns. Nueva Delhi: Aravali Books International.
Perraton, H. (2000). Open and distance learning in the developing world. Londres: Routledge.
Peterson, M. W. y Dill, D. D. (1997). Understanding the competitive environment of the postsecondary knowledge industry. En M. W. Peterson, D. D. Dill y L. A. Mets (Eds.), Planning and management for a changing environment: A handbook on redesigning postsecondary institutions (pp. 3-29). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Ramakrishna, C. y Prasad, V. S. (1999). Action research projects in distance education: A manual. Nueva Delhi: Distance education Council, Universidad Abierta Nacional Indira Gandhi (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 443 353).
Rao, M. S., Srinivasacharyulu, G. y Mohanraj, J. (Eds.). (1995). Quality assurance in distance education. Hyderabad: Centre for Evaluation, Universidad Abierta Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
Rao, P. V. y Rao, L. M. (1999). Strategies that support instructional technologies. Syllabus, 12 (7) 22-24.
Tillekeratne, K. (2001, noviembre). Curriculum reforms and quality assurance in higher education. Trabajo presentado en el Seminar on Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century, Universidad de Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
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