Professional Problems in Teacher Training: Analysis of a Reflective Cycle
teacher education, inservice teacher training, critical thinkingSupporting Agencies:
Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo a través del programa Doctorado Becas Chile/2018 N° 72190671: Proyecto de Investigación PGC2018-95765-B-I00 (PROFESTEM)Abstract
This research was conducted in a context of continuing education of mathematics teacher trainers and seeks to describe and analyze a cycle of reflection by one teacher trainer in a workshop on professional problems. Based on a qualitative interpretive approach, content analysis was used to examine data gathered from participation in the workshop. Our analysis focused on two dimensions: the type of professional problem and the type of interest that is the focus of the reflection. The problem raised was found to evolve as the workshop progressed. While the focus of the reflections was initially technical, this later shifted toward a practical and emancipatory interest. Our conclusions suggest that a workshop of this kind can contribute to teacher trainers’ professional development and our analysis may help to systematize the study of this type of experience.
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