Design of an Interactive Textbook to Learn with Engagement




digital learning, teaching materials, educational interaction process, engagement, academic achievement

Supporting Agencies:

Red Universitaria de Investigación e Innovación educativa. Cambios sociales y retos para la educación en la era digital (EDU2014-54943-REDT); Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Posgrado (AUIP).


One challenge for teachers is the design of educational material that generates engagement in digital teaching, which is relevant in university courses where performance is influenced by course complexity and motivational factors. This paper evaluates the effects of the design of an e-textbook on engagement in digital learning in a Cuban university. The methodology followed a quasi-experimental design. The first phase included the design and expert validation of the e-textbook. The second phase was the quasi-experiment, in which 178 students participated (88 in the experimental group and 90 in the control group). Students who used the e-textbook showed a significant improvement in engagement and academic performance. These results reinforce the need for teachers to design interactive resources for digital teaching.


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