Validation of Time Management Questionnaire in Mexican College Students
Validity, time management, college studentsSupporting Agencies:
Universidad Linda VistaAbstract
How students use their time affects their academic development. Time management (TM) may be a determining factor of various aspects of student life. Instruments have been designed to measure this construct but no validation was found in Mexico. Consequently, this study seeks to validate the TM questionnaire in Mexican college students. A census study was conducted with 289 undergraduate students (191 male and 98 female) from two universities (one public and one private). Data was collected using an instrument validated first in Spain, and subsequently in Venezuela, called “Time Management in College Students” (GTEU in Spanish). Factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used; validation in Mexico displayed similarities to the Spanish and Venezuelan versions in the clustering of factors and the factor loading of each item. The study revealed acceptable reliability (α = 0.715, n = 32) and adequate goodness-of-fit (X² = 407.038; p = .278; gl = 391; RMSEA = .012; CFI = .969 y GFI = .92). It is concluded that the GTEU possesses adequate psychometric properties for Mexican college students.Downloads
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