Problematic ICT Use in adolescents




Teenagers, ICT, ICT consumers, group behaviour.

Supporting Agencies:

Fundación Mapfre


This study explores habits in ICT use among Spanish adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age, and identifies problematic uses in academic, social, and family settings. A concurrent mixed methodology is used; 906 questionnaires were given to adolescents, 135 interviews were conducted with young people, teachers, and school counselors, and 5 focus groups were established involving both youth and members of the education community. The results confirmed that ICT is widely present in the day-to-day lives of Spanish adolescents, and suggest that extensive use of ICT has negative impacts on young people’s academic, social, and family lives. It cannot be said that problematic ICT use has become ubiquitous, but it is a phenomenon worthy of study and activities aimed at prevention and awareness-raising should be envisaged.


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