What do Pre-Service Teachers Think about the Ability and Confidence Needed to Teach Maths? Some Proposals for Initial Training





Mathematics education, teacher training, basic training, teaching skills

Supporting Agencies:

Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) de la Generalidad de Cataluña


This study analyzes the beliefs of 141 pre-service teachers on the ability and confidence needed to teach mathematics. To identify these beliefs, two previously validated questionnaires were administered and data was analyzed using a quantitative methodology. The results show that over half of students believe that not everybody has the same mathematical ability, a significant percentage are less confident teaching mathematics than other subjects, and students who exhibited more positive beliefs studied a high school program with a concentration in science. The results provide information that can be used to design didactic strategies that promote pre-service teachers’ professional development during their initial training.


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