Conceptions of Learning: The Design and Validation of a Questionnaire for Trainee Teachers


  • Silvia L. Vilanova Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • María B. García Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • Orlanda Señoriño Facultad de Humanidades Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


Conceptions, learning, teaching students, questionnaire.


Teachers as well as trainee teachers have conceptions of teaching and learning that do not correspond to the learning theories studied within the university course programs. The predominating ideas in this paradigmatic context, which are based upon the fact that subjects understand an action scenario, posses an implicit character and differ from the notion that they are expressed explicitly most of times. The objective of this article is to introduce the adaption and validation of an instrument designed to research on the conceptions of trainee teachers of the School of Humanities as well as the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the National University of Mar del Plata (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata) in Argentina about learning. Also, it intends to conduct a first analysis of the results obtained after it has been administered. The instrument is an adaption of a dilemma questionnaire designed by Martín, Mateos, Pérez-Echeverría, Pozo, Pecharromán, Martínez, and Villalón, which they administered to 120 students. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to determine factor analysis reliability, and consequently construct validity. The following data analysis shows the application of the interpretative theory of learning based on an epistemological conception related to critical realism.


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