Pre-Service Teachers’ Practical Knowledge: Learning to Teach during the Practicum Experience


  • Juanjo Mena Marcos Universidad de Salamanca
  • Raquel Gómez Sánchez Universidad de Salamanca
  • María Luisa García Rodríguez Universidad de Salamanca



Practicum, teacher training, mentoring, teacher reflection, practical knowledge

Supporting Agencies:

Programa Lifelong Learning, Unión Europea, número de referencia 526318-LLP-1-2012-1-EE-COMENIUS-CMP


In this paper we present some results of the European Project Erasmus K1 ACTTEA (2012-2015) in which four countries participated (Estonia, Finland, The Netherlands and Spain). The objective of the project was to assess what kind of knowledge pre-service teachers learn when teaChing in the Practicum setting. An empirical study was conducted in each country following three phases. video recordings were made in sessions; analysis of critical incidents; and an individual report of learning was performed. Three conditions were established: Individual reflection; Dialogue among peers; and Dialogue with a tutor. An inductive procedure based on propositional and thematic analysis was followed, and the Chi Square Test and V Cramer were used. Results from the Spanish data show that student teachers under the condition C are better able to learn a kind of sophisticated and generalizable knowledge, while conditions A and B allow students to better understand what they had done.


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