Factors Associated with Expectations of Studying a University Degree in Argentina
higher education, secondary school leaving, educational forecasting, academic achievement, social inequalityAbstract
This paper examines the factors that shape high school students’ expectations of pursuing university studies. The data source used was the “Aprender” assessment administered in 2019 to students in the last year of high school in Argentina. Based on the estimation of logistic regression models, the results show that the lower the socioeconomic status of students’ households, the more likely they are to opt to pursue an associate degree rather than attend university, to combine study and work, to only work, or to be undecided. In addition, expectations of university study were more likely among women, non-retained students, those who attend private schools, those with more highly educated parents, and those with better academic performance. These findings are relevant for designing policies to reduce social inequality in university access.
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