Cultural Consumption of Book and Reading in Students of Secondary School in Jalisco


  • Mayela Eugenia Villalpando Aguilar Centro de Investigaciones Pedagógicas y Sociales, Secretaría de Educación Jalisco


Cultural users, Reading, Secondary school students, Sociocultural level, Gender.

Supporting Agencies:

Conacyt, SEP, SEJ.


The aim of this study is to analyze the importance of variables of family socio-cultural level, size of locality of residence and gender in the cultural consumption of books and reading in students of secondary school (8° to 10° grades of basic education) in Jalisco. The method is descriptive, so surveys were used to measure the cultural consumption in teenagers through access, preferences and appreciation of books and reading. The sample is conformed by 2172 students of both sexes, ages between 12 to 17. The results show the inequalities in familiar socio-cultural level in patterns of books access, the age to start reading and people who inspire to read; similar patterns in pleasure and appreciation of reading among groups of localities by population size and gender differences in the preferences of books types. The discussion is about the consumption of these cultural patterns in the framework of the structural relation of familiar cultural capital and scholar capital.


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