Learning to Learn in Spanish Universities: A Transversal Competence?





learning to learn, competencies, skills development, higher education

Supporting Agencies:

Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Código EDU2017-83284-R), Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España (Código FPU17/00156), Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) de México (2020-000026-02NACF-19326)


This study aims to understand how the “learning to learn” (LtL) competence is built into university curricula and the extent to which students are expected to learn to learn in college. We analyzed LtL components in the syllabi of Spanish universities, specifically in pedagogy and telecommunications engineering degrees, reviewing a total of 20,321 competencies set out to be developed over 228,000 hours of instruction. A theoretical model was employed to detect these components and we analyzed their association with disciplinary and transversal competencies. The results show an intention to teach LtL for the discipline and not simply as a transversal competence. We also observed a greater emphasis on information processing than on collaborative learning and motivation. We discuss the theoretical implications of this competence and how it can be transferred between disciplines in higher education.


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