Art Installations as a Methodological Tool in Preschool Education: A Case Study
Educational innovation, teacher training, preschool education.Supporting Agencies:
Convocatoria Universidad y Sociedad (Universidad del País Vasco)Abstract
This article presents a case study on school art installations as a methodological tool for the 0 to 3-year-old cycle. The study was conducted in two municipal nursery schools in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) and consisted in examining their experiences and comparing them with the proposals of Javier Abad, an expert on the subject. The aim is to understand the characteristics and benefits of these experiences to determine the key elements that would facilitate future implementations. The information obtained from the audiovisual records, field notes, and interviews was categorized and analyzed using the digital software NVivo 11. The results suggest these installations have a beneficial effect on children’s learning and autonomous development and on teachers’ personal growth, while revealing the complex role played by teachers in charge of designing, documenting, and supporting this process. When shared by the perspectives of both the adults and the children, these experiences unveil a practice in which participants’ learning is shaped by the creation process.Downloads
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