Person-Centered Expressive Arts: An Alternative Path to Counseling and Education. An interview with Natalie Rogers


  • Laura Guadiana Martínez Universidad Iberoamericana Noroeste


Humanism, education, psychotherapy.


In this interview, Natalie Rogers PhD, expounds on how art and expression serve personal and group growth in Person Centered Expressive Arts Therapy. Adding to the legacy of her father Carl Rogers, creator of the Person Centered Approach, she describes the interweaving of her experiences as a therapist and woman, and how she afforded extra room in the process for intuition, creativity, emotions and the fascinating exploration of the human experience. Using modeling, sculpting, dance, painting, music, etc. she created a model which furthers the person’s genuine expression and self knowledge. She sketches a profile of a facilitator who takes special care in creating an ambience where s/he not only does not judge the work, person, experience or results, but is on the contrary, empathetic and acceptant of the person and her experiences. Lastly, she discusses the applications of this approach to traditional educational settings, as well as some of the key training issues.


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Rogers, C. (1961). On becoming a person: A therapist’s view of psychotherapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Comentario: Publicado también en 1965 con una nueva introducción de Peter Kramer.

Rogers, C. y Freiberg, H. J. (1994). Freedom to learn (3a. ed.). New York: Merrill.

Rogers, C. y Russell, D. E. (2002). Carl Rogers the quiet revolutionary: An oral history. Roseville, CA: Penmarin Books.
Comentario: Autobiografía póstuma.

Rogers, N. (1980). Emerging woman: A decade of midlife transitions. Santa Rosa, CA: Personal Press.

Rogers, N. (1993). The creative connection: Expressive arts as healing. Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books.

Rogers, N. Carl Rogers: A daughter’s tribute [CD-ROM]. Mindgarden Media. Información disponible en:
Comentario: Un CD-ROM que contiene extractos de capítulos de 16 libros de Carl Rogers, con 200 fotos y tomas en video de asesoría psicológica.


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