Self-efficacy and Use of Strategies for Self-regulated Learning in University Students


  • Wilson Jesús Pool-Cibrián Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • José Martínez-Guerrero Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Perceived self-efficacy, Learning strategies, Higher education, Path analysis, Item Response Theory.


The study evaluated the relationship between perceived self-efficacy, learning goals, and self-regulated learning strategies. Questionnaires concerning self-efficacy and learning goals were applied to 766 university students. The instrument`s psychometric properties was assessed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis with Samejima’s graded response model (GRM) of the Item Response Theory (IRT). Six factors were obtained: perceived self-efficacy, concentration problems, learning goals, metacognitive strategies; domain and comprehension strategies. Path analysis showed associations between perceived self-efficacy with learning goals (r=.48) and concentration problems (r=-.45); there was also a negative association found between the last two variables (r=-.46). The last three factors are predictors of metacognitive (R2=.22), domain (R2=.26) and comprehension (R2=.12) strategies. The results were interpreted with a social cognitive perspective of self-regulated learning.


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