Assessment of Learning During COVID-19: The Case of the State of Chihuahua
student evaluation, e-learning, right to education, teacher education, distance educationAbstract
This study, which employs a concurrent nested mixed-methods design, was conducted within the pragmatic paradigm and involved students, parents, and teachers from 11 municipalities of Chihuahua (Mexico) and three levels of education. In the wake of the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, non-probability sampling – namely the accidental or snowball sampling method – was favored for this research. A survey was prepared on the Google Docs platform and sent to participants, who were asked to forward it to other participants once they had completed it themselves. Responses were obtained from 219 parents, 61 students, and 132 teachers. It was found that proposals for virtual support elicited mixed reactions, ranging from passive acceptance to an increase in stress levels, and that this support had been hampered by various factors, in particular a lack of digital skills and accessibility issues, while the most widely used resource was WhatsApp. The results highlight the need for a virtual design training program for teachers.
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