Collaborative Online Learning, an Empirical Approach to Students’ Socio-Emotional Discourse
Computer assisted learning, higher education, group work, student motivation.Supporting Agencies:
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT)Abstract
This paper presents an analysis of socio-emotional discursive strategies employed by students in collaborative tasks online. A multiple-case study was conducted to explore collaborative processes among three groups of students enrolled in the psychopedagogy degree in the first academic cycle of 2014 at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). To complete the task, students made contributions to an asynchronous communication forum for thirty days. The results point to four types of socio-emotional discursive strategies that have a significant impact on group performance: i) the use of inclusive pronouns; ii) the formulation of expectations about the task; iii) positive feedback on the way the group is working; and iv) expressions of mutual support among participants. It is also concluded that the groups with the best learning outcomes tend to maintain or increase their use of socio-emotional discursive strategies over time.Downloads
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