The Nexus between Literacy and Digital Culture: A Teachers’ Perspective in Chile
Educational technology, new literacies, culture.Supporting Agencies:
Fondo Nacional para el desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, FONDECYT N°3160114Abstract
The digital revolution has shaped new ways of communicating and producing knowledge, precipitating new conceptualizations of literacies. This new conceptualization has attempt to answer the question about what it means to be literate in a digital world. The present study explores these issues considering a new literacies perspective as well as the concept of teachers´ cultural models and their every day practices. The research is situated in the Chilean educational context and uses a multiple-case study methodology which was undertaken in three schools over three school semesters. Participants of this study included teachers and their students. The analysis suggests a difference between teachers´cultural models about literacy and technology and their teaching practices. Consequently, language in the classroom is anchored in the written text and does not co-exist with new literacy practices that have arrived in the digital cultural of the XXI century.Downloads
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