Research Ethics and Teacher Trainers




Ethics, teachers responsibility, teacher educators, vulnerability.

Supporting Agencies:

Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica - UNAM IN300217 y Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - Ajusco


This paper seeks to construct a particular approach to human research ethics with respect to research practices carried out by teacher trainers and their students in communities in Mexico and Bolivia. It presents the theoretical elements of research ethics and the categories generated on the basis of answers from 79 teacher trainers to an open question on protective factors that should be considered with regard to study participants. The question is part of a qualitative questionnaire administered between March and June 2015. The study concludes that when asked about protective factors, teachers are able to clearly state key aspects of research ethics, although their core focus is on training new basiclevel education teachers.


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