The Construction of Notions on Complex Subjects, in Students of Secondary Education: An Analysis by Means of the Theory of the Conceptual Fields
Science education, class activities, scientific concepts, concept formation, conceptual fields’s theory.Abstract
In this paper we discuss and analyze the way in which fifteen-years-old students construct their knowledge when they attend classes regarding gravitational interactions topic, in which a didactic strategy has been used. Such a strategy provided a space to analyze the actions and relationships that constitute the educational experience of a group of students, when they face situations specially designed from the organizing principles of the subject matter, as well as from the characteristics of the involved social group. The study of the conceptualization of gravitational interaction was based in Vergnaud's Conceptual Fields Theory. This theory is very favorable to analyze how people organize the ideas and connect ones with others, to generate new concepts and representations through the years.Downloads
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Bardin, L. (1986). Análisis de contenido. Madrid: Akal.
Franchi, A. (1999). Considerações sobre a teoria dos campos conceituais. In S. D. Alcântara Machado, B. A. Silva, J. L. M. Freitas, L. C. Pais, M.C. Maranhão, R.F. Damm et al., Educação Matemática: uma introdução (pp. 155-195). São Paulo: EDUC.
Lemke, J. (1997). Aprender a hablar ciencia. Barcelona: Paidós.
Mortimer, E. (1994). Evolução do atomismo em sala de aula: mudança de perfis Conceituais. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Posner, F., Strike, K., Hewson, P. & Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Accommodation of a scientific conception: towards a theory of conceptual change. Science Education, 66 (2), 211-227.
Pozo, J. & Gómez Crespo, M. (1998). Aprender y enseñar ciencia. Del conocimiento cotidiano al conocimiento científico. Madrid: Ediciones Morata.
Stipcich, S. & Moreira, M. (2001). El tratamiento del concepto de interacción en textos de Polimodal y Universitarios. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, 1 (1), 116-131.
Stipcich, S. & Moreira, M. (2002a). Las opiniones de los profesores de Física sobre la interacción en la enseñanza de la Física. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, 2 (2), 6-20.
Stipcich, S. & Moreira, M. (2002b). Un test para indagar ideas sobre la noción de interacción. Proccedings of the VI Simposio de Investigadores en Educación en Física [CD]. Corrientes, Argentina.
Toulmin, S. (1972). La comprensión humana. El uso colectivo y la evolución de los conceptos. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Vergnaud, G. (1982). A classification of cognitive tasks and operations of thought involved in addition and subtraction problems. In T. Carpenter, J. Moser & T. Romberg, Addition and subtraction. A cognitive perspective (pp. 39-59). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Vergnaud, G. (1983). Quelques problèmes théoriques de la didactique à propos d\'un example: les structures additives. Paper presented at the Atelier International d\'Eté: Récherche en Didactique de la Physique, La Londe les Maures, France.
Vergnaud, G. (1986). Education: the best part of Piaget\'s heritage. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 55 (2-3), 112-118.
Vergnaud, G. (1990). La théorie des champs conceptuels. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 10 (23), 133-170.
Vergnaud, G. (1996). Algunas ideas fundamentales de Piaget en torno a la didáctica. Perspectivas, 26 (10), 195-207.
Vergnaud, G. (1998). A comprehensive theory of representation for mathematics Education. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 17 (2), 167-181.
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