ConVivim: Application of a Program to Learn to Coexist Democratically




Schools, mediation, peer relationship, conflict resolution.

Supporting Agencies:

Generalitat Valenciana (España)


In recent decades, coexistence has become of the most significant challenges of 21st century society, and in the field of education, this has become a hands-on workshop to shape citizens who are committed to the civic values of democracy. It is within this context that strategies included in the ‚help between peers‛ model, such as the ConVivim program, gain importance. This study presents the design and implementation of ConVivim in order to prove its impact in improving democratic coexistence. The setting for the study is a school located in a vulnerable neighborhood, and a quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest design was used with 83 members of the educational community. The results show the success of the intervention, which can be transferred to other international contexts, despite clear evidence of the need for further work to make schools a model institution for social cohesion.


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