An Opera for the School of Citizenship
music education, citizenship education, social developmentSupporting Agencies:
Proyecto “Ecologías del aprendizaje en contextos múltiples: análisis de proyectos de educación expandida y conformación de ciudadanía” (EDU2014-51961-P), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad., Beca de movilidad en el extranjero para jóvenes doctores “José Castillejo”, financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.Abstract
This article introduces the preliminary results of research conducted within the context of a project entitled “Opera as a Vehicle for Learning” (LÓVA), carried out with a group of fourth-grade elementary students in Mexico City during the 2017-2018 school year. The study is framed epistemologically within the interpretive paradigm and employs a case study methodology. The objective was to explore and understand the processes whereby citizenship is informed by musical education; in this respect, the students’ creation, development, and performance of an original work of opera fostered their awareness of their rights and responsibilities, social engagement and commitment, and recognition of diversity.
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