Demotivation in Mathematics among High School Secondary


  • María-Carmen Ricoy Universidade de Vigo
  • Maria João V. S. Couto Instituto Politécnico de Porto



Demotivation, secondary education, mathematics.

Supporting Agencies:

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal)


Academic failure is a concern in the education community; more taxing subjects therefore deserve special consideration. The primary objective of this study was to identify and analyze factors of adolescent demotivation in mathematics in high school. This study followed a qualitative approach, using an introspective process based on teachers’ perceptions. To this end, 70 mathematics teachers from Portugal were interviewed, of whom 51 were female and 19 male. Content analysis was performed on the different narratives obtained. The results and conclusions show that the main constituents of demotivation are inadequate prior education and certain traditional teaching activities used by mathematics teachers. A negative influence from the environment should also be noted.


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