Strategies for Solving Multiplicative Structure Problems with Natural Numbers and Fractions
mathematics instruction, arithmetic, basic education, secondary educationSupporting Agencies:
Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana (España; I-PI 21-19, PROMETEO/2017/135), Ministerio de Universidades (España; FPU19/02965)Abstract
This study explores how elementary and secondary school students solve multiplicative structure problems (multiplication, partitive division, and measurement division). A questionnaire was used with nine problems involving natural numbers and fractions, and the research examined both the level of success of students and the strategies employed for each type of problem (by grade level). The results show a lower level of success in problems with fractions than with natural numbers, with students having difficulty recognizing that the structure of the problems was the same. Algorithms were the most commonly used strategy, but other strategies also emerged, depending on the type of number involved (natural numbers or fractions).
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