Return Migration in Mexico and its Bilingualism. A Literature Review 2006-2018




return migration, bilingualism, language policy, school integration

Supporting Agencies:

UABJO. Recuso PFCE 2018


A literature review is presented about the returning migrant students in the educational system in Mexico, which included both research papers and other types of academic texts, available from 2006 to 2018, and around this population. The revision allowed to identify the research methods and the thematic issues: a typology of these students based in variables such as age, nationality and migration status, the conditions upon the access to and the needs that arise during their permanence in the educational context. Also an educational profile emerged, based on information about their psychological traits, their previous linguistic and schooling experiences, as well as aspects related with the school coexistence and the social integration. Although the existent research is useful to know their characteristics and needs upon the return, studies that inquire aspects such as the relationship bilingualism-academic development, in the different educational levels, are still scarce and thus necessary.


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