Study on Creativity Related to the Ability of University Programmers
Creativity, programming, systems engineering, computer science.Abstract
The ability to program is one of the capacities developed or, if applicable, computer engineering students, some studies in the literature start from the premise that this ability has a direct association with the creative capacity of students; From the above, the research reported was presented had the objective of identifying the relationship between the creativity of an engineering student in computing and his performance as a programmer, represented by the average obtained in certain subjects. The applied method was quantitative, transversal, of explanatory scope and for the recovery of data, the CREA test was used. The results indicate that creativity is not an incident to the ability to program and that other factors influence the development, such as the motivation encourage mainly by the teacher and the context surrounding the programmer.Downloads
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Tang, C., Baer, J. y Kaufman, J. C. (2014). Implicit theories of creativity in computer science in the United States and China. Journal of Creative Behavior, 4(2), 137-156. doi:10.1002/jocb.61
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Corbálan, F. J., Martínez, F. y Donolo, D. S. (2015). CREA. Inteligencia Creativa. Una medida cognitiva de la creatividad (3a. ed.). Madrid: Tea.
Deller, J. (2013). Fostering the creative development of computer science students in programming and interaction design. Procedia Computer Science, 18, 1446-1455. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2013.05.312
Escobar, M. C. (2015). Mi taller digital. Una apuesta para el desarrollo de las habilidades TIC en los estudiantes. Bits de Ciencia, 12, 44-47. Recuperado de
Espeso, P. (10 de diciembre de 2015). Aprender a programar desarrolla la creatividad, la sociabilidad y mucho más. Educación 3.0. Recuperado de
González, W., Estrada, V. y Martínez, M. (2016). Educrea, Educación Creativa. Recuperado de
Hernández, G. (2011). Pensamiento creativo: una propuesta para su desarrollo desde la programación de computadoras. Revista Unimar, 29(2), 115-122. Recuperado de
Hernández, R., Fernández, C. y Baptista, P. (2014). Metodología de la Investigación. México: McGrawHill.
Knobelsdorf, M. y Romeike, R. (2008). Creativity as a Pathway to Computer Science. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 40(3), 286-290. doi:10.1145/1384271.1384347
Newell, A. (1969). Heuristic programming: illstructured programs. En J. Aronofsky (Ed.), Progress in operations research (Vol. 3, pp. 360-414). Nueva York: Wiley.
Pérez-Poch, A., Olmedo, N. y Salán, N. (julio, 2015). ¿Puede escuchar a los bits cantando? Estudio de la influencia de la creatividad en el aprendizaje de la programación. XXI Jornadas de la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (pp. 209-215). Andorra la Vella: Universitat Oberta La Salle. Recuperado de
Romeike, R. (2007a). Applying creativity in CS high school education-criteria, Teaching example and evaluation. En Proceedings of the Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (pp. 87-96). Koli, Finlandia. Recuperado de
Romeike, R. (2007b). Three drivers for creativity in computer science education. En Proceedings of the IFIP-Conference on Informatics, Mathematics and ICT: a golden triangle. Boston, EUA. Recuperado de
Runco, M. A. y Sakamoto, S. O. (1999). Experimental Studies of creativity. En R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), Handbook of creativity (pp. 62-92). Cambridge University Press.
Sánchez, P. A., García, A. y Valdés, Á. A. (2009). Validez y confiabilidad de un instrumento para medir la creatividad en adolescentes. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 50(6), 1-12. doi: 10.35362/rie5061939
Saunders , D. y Thagard, P. (2004). Creativity in computer science. En J. C. Kaufman y J. Baer (Eds.) Creativity across domains: faces of the muse (pp. 153-167). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Recuperado de
Shantanu, S. (2017). To teach computer science, creativity, programming. Recuperado de (enlace no activo)
Tang, C., Baer, J. y Kaufman, J. C. (2014). Implicit theories of creativity in computer science in the United States and China. Journal of Creative Behavior, 4(2), 137-156. doi:10.1002/jocb.61
Yates, R. (1999). Educación, Computación y Tecnología: Visión en la Antesala de un Nuevo Milenio. En Taller Internacional de Software Educativo (TISE). Santiago, Chile. Recuperado de
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