The Role of Critical Pedagogy in the Globalization Era and the Aftermath of September 11, 2001. Interview with Peter McLaren


  • Lucía Coral Aguirre Muñoz Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Educativo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


Globalization, social class, critical pedagogy.


In the face of postmodern theories claiming the end of the working class, Peter McLaren discusses globalization as a form of imperialism; he does so from a critical perspective founded on the Marxist theory and on the concept of social class. Regarding the events of September 11, 2001, he describes U.S. foreign policy and its effects at the international level. He contrasts Bin Laden and Che Guevara, highlighting the differences between the two figures. The conclusion of his analysis defines the role of critical pedagogy in education, whose purpose is that of contributing to the creation of an egalitarian society based on the values of cooperation and solidarity.


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