Systemic Analysis of the Cultural Production of a Virtual Learning Community


  • Germán Alejandro Miranda Díaz Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Felipe Tirado Segura Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Activity theory, free software, nonformal education, virtual education.


This paper describes a systemic analysis from the standpoint of activity theory of the cultural emergence of a virtual learning community as a complex system. Three levels of analysis were employed: data mining, visualization of complex systems and analysis of discursive interactions, with the aim of understanding the emerging phenomena of online learning and in order to have the necessary elements to assist in planning the formation of virtual communities in formal settings. This was carried out using six years of activity from 3,324 people from different documentary sources: 9,871,531 CMS records; 1,371,907 from LMS; 67,828 IRC statements; and 27,798 online forum comments. In the process, we observed how action aimed at socialization and discussion of its object evolve into historical-cultural milestones such as the culture of merit as opposed to certification, the division of labor and the process of transition from free software to free culture.


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