Teaching Practices and Beliefs of University Teachers in Chile





educación de la salud, pedagogía, medios pedagógicos

Supporting Agencies:

Universidad Católica de Temuco


This paper discusses the teaching practices and beliefs of university teachers in the city of Temuco in Chile. To that effect, twelve university teachers working with fourth and fifth-level students in a health degree were asked open-ended questions. Data analysis followed the principles of grounded theory (GT) methodology. Open coding was used for the analysis, which produced the category “Teaching practices and beliefs” and four sub-categories: 1) educational planning, 2) teaching methodology, 3) an epistemological model of teaching, and 4) the micro-curriculum. The results of the study show that, as part of their teaching beliefs, teachers place value on practices that make it easier for students to participate and be active in class, but which are also inflexible and restricted by aspects such as planning and previously established programs. Consequently, they need to examine the basis of their beliefs and pedagogical knowledge more thoroughly to inject new meaning into their work in the classroom, thus improving education at this level.


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