Relationship between the Variables Self-Concept and Creativity in a Sample of Childhood-Education Students


  • Clemente Franco Justo Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación Universidad de Almería


Creativity, self-concept, early childhood education.


In this work we attempt to prove through experimentation that a relationship exists between affective factors and creative ability. We therefore believe that the expression of the creative capacity will have a positive bearing on the manifestation of self-concept. To this end, we designed a psychoeducational program based on children’s stories, aimed at increasing creative ability in a sample of early childhood education students, while simultaneously obtaining improved expression of their self-concept. To do this, we used a quasi-experimental design of nonequivalent control groups with double pretest. As evaluation instruments we used the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), and Villa and Azumendi’s PCSC test (Perception of Child Self Concept). The results of the study showed significant increases in the experimental group, both in their levels of verbal creativity (fluency, flexibility and originality), and in their self-concept, as compared with the control groups.


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