External Practicum Tutoring in Initial Teacher Training for Social Change
initial teacher training, education for sustainable development, teaching practice , teacher supervisionAbstract
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a priority for education. Education systems offer experiential contexts, such as external teaching practice, where the relationship between the SDGs and current education needs can be addressed. The objective of this study is to explore the perception that future teachers in external practicum have of the tutoring they receive in addressing cross-cutting issues in the SDGs. The study employed a descriptive methodology that included an ad hoc questionnaire completed by 134 participants. The instrument was tested for reliability and validity and descriptive statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software. The results show greater influence from classroom tutoring than from the school environment, while also indicating that assistance given was insufficient but essential for working on cross-cutting themes in education such as gender equity or care for the environment. Lastly, the study presents the conceptual model of the instrument as a useful tool for assessing the extent to which teachers act as agents of social change.
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