Author Guidelines
Nature of work
Manuscripts received for potential publication should present original results from high-quality academic work in the field of educational practice.
No simultaneous submissions
Work submitted must be unpublished and authors agree not to submit manuscripts for simultaneous consideration by any other publication. Accordingly, authors must include their declaration of originality.
Length and format
Full-text papers (title, authors, affiliations, abstracts, body of the article, table and figure captions, and references) should be double-spaced and on letter-size pages (21.5 x 28 cm) with 2.5 cm margins, in 12-point Arial font and written in Spanish or English (download template), and should not exceed 7,500 words. Only work in Microsoft Word will be accepted (no PDFs). Manuscripts should not include abbreviations, only international symbols.
Author anonymity
Papers should not include any information that reveals the identity of the authors in the body of the article or in footnotes, in order to ensure that the peer review assessment remains anonymous. Once the manuscript is accepted, all identifying information will be included in the title page.
All abstracts must be written in English and Spanish in a manner that is clear and concise and provides the reader with a summary of the research conducted. Abstracts should not include citations or acronyms, except when essential for brevity.
Abstracts are limited to 200 words and the structure should follow the order below, both in English and Spanish:
- Objective
- Design or methodology
- Results
- Limitations of the study or implications
- Originality or value
- Findings or conclusions
Below the abstracts in English and Spanish, please include three to five keywords from the ERIC or UNESCO thesauruses.
Content of contributions
The body of original papers must include the following sections:
- Background, method, problem statement
- Results
- Discussion and conclusions
- References in APA 7 format
Explanatory notes
Any explanatory notes should be inserted as footnotes and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.
Preparing references
Use of automatic reference managers
Priority will be given to contributions with references standardized using the Zotero or Mendeley reference managers.
The references cited must be sufficient and relevant to support the work. Thus, the limit of references for the different collaborations is:
- Empirical research articles: Maximum 50 references.
- Review articles: From 50 to maximum of 80 references.
Note: For more information on the types of collaborations, see Focus and Scope.
DOI identifier
Where applicable, and particularly in the case of references to electronic documents, the corresponding DOI should be included.
APA 7 citation style
- Authors should follow APA 7 citation style (author, year).
- Self-citation should account for no more than 5% of references.
- Only materials cited in the text (literature, periodicals, and electronic sources) should be included in the reference list, which should be in APA style.
- In the case of electronic references, care should be taken to ensure that links are active and that DOIs, if any, are always included.
- At least 50% of references should be from the last five years.
Journal article with a DOI
Andres-Candelas, M. y Rogero-García, J. (2019). Public and household spending in private, publicly-funded private and public schools in Spain during the Economic Crisis (2007-2012). Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 21, 1-15.
Schleppegrell, M. J. (2004). The language of schooling: a functional linguistics perspective. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Preparing figures and tables
- Figures should be provided in an editable format in an attached file (grayscale color).
- Titles should be placed above figures (9-point Arial).
- Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.
- Reference must be made within the text to each figure included.
- Figures must be included in the body of the article in high-resolution (300 dpi or higher) JPG or GIF format, and should be no larger than 800 x 600 pixels.
- Abbreviations and their definitions should be included below the figure.
- Tables should be prepared in the word processor, NOT included as an image.
- Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.
- Titles should be placed above tables
- Reference must be made within the text to each table included.
- Tables must be inserted within the body of the text (they will not be accepted separately).
- Tables must follow APA style and use 9-point Arial font.
Legal requirements for the submission of original works
REDIE does not issue or receive any payment for the submission, processing, and publication of texts. Manuscripts may only be considered for publication if submitted as a final version, together with all of the following documentation, through the OJS platform. Submissions made by any other means cannot be accepted.
- Declaration of originality. This declaration must be filled out with the author’s details. For co-authored papers, please provide details for each author and indicate the corresponding author and his/her e-mail address.
- Letter of non-exclusive rights assignment. This must be filled out with the author’s details. For co-authored papers, please provide details for each author.
- Submission home page. This must be filled out with the required information, including each author’s signature and official ID number.
- If your submission contains any previously published material subject to copyright (charts, images, photographs, works of art, etc., whether belonging to the authors themselves or third parties), you must include proof of permission to reproduce the material from the copyright owner.
- Include the full content of the paper as set forth in the Author Guidelines.
No changes will be accepted once the submission process has begun.
Technical requirements for the submission of originals
Please consider the following when submitting material:
- Submit text in electronic text-processor files (PDF files will not be accepted).
- Submit photographs and images in electronic JPG (or compatible) files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
- Graphs, tables and figures must be attached in a separate spreadsheet (images of graphs, tables or figures hinder the editing process).
- Attach the full content of the paper as established in the Guidelines for Authors, based on the section of the journal you wish to submit to.
Once the submission requirements have been met, the manuscript will be sent for editorial review.
Editorial review
Authors submitting contributions for possible publication in REDIE are required to send final versions of all documentation listed in the legal and technical requirements for submissions. Once the editorial team has checked that all the submission requirements have been fulfilled, manuscripts are sent for editorial review, which consists of the following steps:
- The editors will assess whether the text is an original contribution to the field of educational research.
- The editors will check the manuscript falls within the scope and focus of the journal.
- The manuscript will be run through a plagiarism checker approved by the Editorial Committee(iThenticate). Only after the manuscript passes this check will it be possible to continue with the following stages of the editorial review.
- The bibliography will be checked to ensure it is relevant, up-to-date, and duly formatted in accordance with APA 7.
- The manuscript will be reviewed to make sure each of the formatting indications listed in the requirements for submitting originals and author guidelines has been followed.
- In accordance with the editorial policy guidelines approved by the Editorial Committee, priority will be given to manuscripts with an electronically managed bibliography and active hyperlinks to DOIs, when applicable.
Once the contribution submitted has passed the editorial review, the corresponding author will be sent formal notification of the registration of the manuscript and start of the academic review process.
Detection of plagiarism
REDIE uses the specialized iThenticate software to detect cases of plagiarism. All manuscripts received will be subject to a plagiarism check before being sent for editorial and academic review.
If a possible case of plagiarism of a previously published text is found or reported, the journal will follow the procedure outlined by COPE in this flow chart.
The consequences of plagiarism range from issuing a warning, in the case of a mistake or misunderstanding, to rejecting the paper and notifying the institutions with which the author(s) is (are) affiliated.
Grounds for rejection
- Any failure to adhere to any of the instructions given in the author guidelines.
- Any delay of over four weeks in responding to comments from the editor or reviewers, or any dissent from the editor or reviewers.
Number of authors
Preference will be given to contributions with a maximum of four authors. Research by a greater number of authors will only be accepted when the complexity of the study justifies the inclusion of more participants, in which case relevant documentation will be required to prove that the paper is the product of a group research project.
Order and number of authors
Once work has been submitted, no changes can be made to the order or number of authors, and therefore any issues relating to authorship must be resolved before submitting the manuscript for the first time.
Responsibility for content
It is assumed that when manuscripts are submitted, each author has had full access to all data in the study and accepts full responsibility for the integrity and accuracy of the data analysis. REDIE therefore accepts no liability for any possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the work published in the journal.