Evidence of Internal Validity of an Instrument to Evaluate Teacher Collegiality





Teacher evaluation, measurement instrument, validity, educational system.

Supporting Agencies:

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, Universitat de València


This study is a part of a broader research that aims to design a model of evaluation of educational systems based on the improvement of social cohesion. It is a study of metric validation of an instrument for evaluation teacher collegiality. The instrument was designed from the findings of the previos validation study in witch the construct was validated by expert judgment. The sample has been formed by 147 volunteer teachers of elementary and secondary Spanish schools. The method is based on the collection of internal metric evidences of validity of the instrument. Dimensionality was studied by exploratory factor analysis and discrimination capacity by means of the analysis of conglomerates of K means. Also the Rasch Model was used to determine the quality of the items. The results revealed some items that were discarded in the final version of the instrument and provided evidences of validity.


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