Diseño y evaluación de un curso en línea para estudiantes de licenciatura
Palabras clave:
Educación en línea, curso en línea, Internet.Resumen
Se describe el diseño de un prototipo de curso en línea desarrollado para el nivel licenciatura y probado en un curso de matemáticas de primer semestre de la carrera de Oceanología. El diseño gira alrededor de seis ejes fundamentales que se tienen que considerar para la selección y uso de tecnologías orientadas a la educación en línea: a) transmisión y acceso, b) control, c) interacción, d) características simbólicas del medio, e) la presencia social creada a través del medio y f) la interfaz entre el usuario y la máquina. Asimismo, se describen los resultados sobre el grado de satisfacción de los participantes respecto a la estructura y diseño del curso, los cuales se obtuvieron mediante cuestionarios de opinión y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los participantes resaltaron la facilidad de “navegar” por el curso, así como la comunicación efectiva lograda entre todos los participantes, al utilizar las herramientas electrónicas del prototipo.Descargas
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Aspillaga, M.(1992). Implications of Screen Design Upon Learning. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 20 (1), 53-58.
Bayton, M.(1992). Dimensions of "Control" in Distance Education: A Factor Analysis. American Journal of Distance Education, 6 (2), 57-66.
Burke, C. (1989). From Verbal to Visual: How to Use Type as a Graphic Element on your pages. Publish, pp. 65-71.
Graham, D. (1993). Quick Solutions to Great Layouts. Cincinnati, Ohio: North Ligth Books.
Gunawardena, C.N. (1995). Nuevos caminos en el aprendizaje, nuevas formas de evaluar. En: Dirr, P.J., y Guanwardena, C.N.(eds.) Cuadernos de educación a distancia 3:Enfoques sobre evaluación de los aprendizajes en educación a distancia II. México: Universidad de Guadalajara - CECAD
Hanson, D., Maushak, N.J., Scholosser, C.A., Anderson, M.L. y Simonson, M.. (1997). Distance Education: Review of the Literature. Washington, DC.: Association for Educational Communications and Technology and Research Institute for Studies in Education.
Hativa, N., 1988, Differential Characteristics and Methods of Operation Underlying CAI/CMI Drill and Practice Systems. Journal of Research on Computing in Education. pp. 258-270.
Hiltz, R. (1993). Correlates of learning in a virtual classroom. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 39, 71-98.
Hiltz, R. (1994). Education, Innovation, and Technology. In: R. Hiltz (ed.) The Virtual Classroom: Learning without limits via Computer Networks. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing, Co, N.J., 19-29.
Kearsley, G.(1995). The Nature and Value of Interaction in Distance Learning. Proceedings of theThird Distance Education Research Symposium, Penn State University, PA. May 18-21.
Kling, R.(1980). Social analyses of computing: Theoretical perspectives in recent empirical research. Computing Surveys, 12 (1), 61-110.
Lynch, P. J. y Horton, S. (1999). Web style manual: Basic design principles for creating web sites. Boston, MA: Yale University Press.
McIsaac, M.S. y Gunawardena, C.N.(1996). Distance Education. In: Jonassen, D.H. (ed) . Handbook of research for educational communications and technology: a proyect of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. New York, N.Y: Simon & Schuster-Macmillan, pp. 403-437
Miles, J. (1989). Pause for Effect: When white space isn´t wasted space. Publish, pp. 37-38.
Moore, M. G. (1991). Distance education theory [Editorial]. The American Journal of Distance Education, 5 (1), 1-6. También disponible en línea en:
Moreno, M. y Valle, C.(1999). Experiencia de un curso en línea de matemáticas básicas para estudiantes universitarios de primer ingreso. Trabajo presentado en el IV Taller Internacional de Educación a Distancia en La Habana, Cuba, 17-21 de mayo.
Mowshowitz, A. (1981). On approaches to the study of social issues in computing. Communications of the ACM, 24 (3), 146-155.
Parker, R.C.(1989). The Book. Chapel Hill Press, NC.
Reigeluth, C.M.(1994). Instructional Design Theories. In: T. Husen y T.N. Postlethwaite (eds). The International Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd. Edition, vol. 7. Oxford, England: Pergamon Press.
Schroeder, E.E.(1994). Navigating througth Hypertext: Navigational Techniques, Individual Differences, and Learning. In: Proceedings of the Selected Research and Development Presentation at the 1994 National Convention ot the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Sponsored by the Research and Theory Division. Nashville, TN, Februery 16-20, 1994, IR 016 784
Schwier, R.A. y Misanchuk, E.R..(1993). Interactive Multimedia Instruction. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Educational Technology Publications Siebert, L. y Cropper, M. (1993). Working with Word & Pictures. Cincinnati, Ohio: North Ligth Books.
Tinkel, K. (1989). Setting Type in Style. Personal Publishing, Agosto, 62-65.
Turner, J.A. (1984). Computer mediated work: The interplay between technology and structured jobs. Communications of the ACM, 27(12), 1210-1217.
Apple Computers. (1996a). Apple Web Design Guide
Apple Computers (1996b). Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. http://www.cybertech.apple.com/hi/hi_resources/hi_princ/intro.html
Arvan, L., Ory, J.C., Bullock C.D., Burnaska K.K. y Hanson M.(1998). The SCALEfficiency Projects. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (2) 2 http://www.aln.org/alnweb/journal/vol2_issue2/arvan2.htm
Moore, M. G. (1991). Distance education theory [Editorial]. The American Journal of Distance Education, 5 (1), 1-6. También disponible en línea en:
Bayton, M.(1992). Dimensions of "Control" in Distance Education: A Factor Analysis. American Journal of Distance Education, 6 (2), 57-66.
Burke, C. (1989). From Verbal to Visual: How to Use Type as a Graphic Element on your pages. Publish, pp. 65-71.
Graham, D. (1993). Quick Solutions to Great Layouts. Cincinnati, Ohio: North Ligth Books.
Gunawardena, C.N. (1995). Nuevos caminos en el aprendizaje, nuevas formas de evaluar. En: Dirr, P.J., y Guanwardena, C.N.(eds.) Cuadernos de educación a distancia 3:Enfoques sobre evaluación de los aprendizajes en educación a distancia II. México: Universidad de Guadalajara - CECAD
Hanson, D., Maushak, N.J., Scholosser, C.A., Anderson, M.L. y Simonson, M.. (1997). Distance Education: Review of the Literature. Washington, DC.: Association for Educational Communications and Technology and Research Institute for Studies in Education.
Hativa, N., 1988, Differential Characteristics and Methods of Operation Underlying CAI/CMI Drill and Practice Systems. Journal of Research on Computing in Education. pp. 258-270.
Hiltz, R. (1993). Correlates of learning in a virtual classroom. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 39, 71-98.
Hiltz, R. (1994). Education, Innovation, and Technology. In: R. Hiltz (ed.) The Virtual Classroom: Learning without limits via Computer Networks. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing, Co, N.J., 19-29.
Kearsley, G.(1995). The Nature and Value of Interaction in Distance Learning. Proceedings of theThird Distance Education Research Symposium, Penn State University, PA. May 18-21.
Kling, R.(1980). Social analyses of computing: Theoretical perspectives in recent empirical research. Computing Surveys, 12 (1), 61-110.
Lynch, P. J. y Horton, S. (1999). Web style manual: Basic design principles for creating web sites. Boston, MA: Yale University Press.
McIsaac, M.S. y Gunawardena, C.N.(1996). Distance Education. In: Jonassen, D.H. (ed) . Handbook of research for educational communications and technology: a proyect of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. New York, N.Y: Simon & Schuster-Macmillan, pp. 403-437
Miles, J. (1989). Pause for Effect: When white space isn´t wasted space. Publish, pp. 37-38.
Moore, M. G. (1991). Distance education theory [Editorial]. The American Journal of Distance Education, 5 (1), 1-6. También disponible en línea en:
Moreno, M. y Valle, C.(1999). Experiencia de un curso en línea de matemáticas básicas para estudiantes universitarios de primer ingreso. Trabajo presentado en el IV Taller Internacional de Educación a Distancia en La Habana, Cuba, 17-21 de mayo.
Mowshowitz, A. (1981). On approaches to the study of social issues in computing. Communications of the ACM, 24 (3), 146-155.
Parker, R.C.(1989). The Book. Chapel Hill Press, NC.
Reigeluth, C.M.(1994). Instructional Design Theories. In: T. Husen y T.N. Postlethwaite (eds). The International Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd. Edition, vol. 7. Oxford, England: Pergamon Press.
Schroeder, E.E.(1994). Navigating througth Hypertext: Navigational Techniques, Individual Differences, and Learning. In: Proceedings of the Selected Research and Development Presentation at the 1994 National Convention ot the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Sponsored by the Research and Theory Division. Nashville, TN, Februery 16-20, 1994, IR 016 784
Schwier, R.A. y Misanchuk, E.R..(1993). Interactive Multimedia Instruction. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Educational Technology Publications Siebert, L. y Cropper, M. (1993). Working with Word & Pictures. Cincinnati, Ohio: North Ligth Books.
Tinkel, K. (1989). Setting Type in Style. Personal Publishing, Agosto, 62-65.
Turner, J.A. (1984). Computer mediated work: The interplay between technology and structured jobs. Communications of the ACM, 27(12), 1210-1217.
Apple Computers. (1996a). Apple Web Design Guide
Apple Computers (1996b). Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. http://www.cybertech.apple.com/hi/hi_resources/hi_princ/intro.html
Arvan, L., Ory, J.C., Bullock C.D., Burnaska K.K. y Hanson M.(1998). The SCALEfficiency Projects. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (2) 2 http://www.aln.org/alnweb/journal/vol2_issue2/arvan2.htm
Moore, M. G. (1991). Distance education theory [Editorial]. The American Journal of Distance Education, 5 (1), 1-6. También disponible en línea en:
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