Design of a Model for the Assessment of MOOC Quality Using Fuzzy Logic


  • Miguel Baldomero Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Esteban Vázquez-Cano UNED
  • María Belando-Montoro Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Online teaching, MOOC, Quality assessment, EduTool.


The proliferation of MOOCS and mass, open education calls for rigorous processes able to determine the quality of the education they offer. This paper puts forward a comparative analysis of evaluation indicators for two instruments used to assess the quality of MOOCS: EduTool® and UMUMOOC. To this end, the weightings of the sub-factors for each dimension of the two instruments were analyzed using fuzzy logic. After an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of both tools, this study proposes a quality assessment construct as a five-vertex pyramid, or a five-dimensional representation. At the center of gravity is “the recognition of training for employability”. Thus, from this solid foundation, assessment tools would need to be structured in the following dimensions: learning design, communication-interaction, planning-management, levels of accessibility, and learning methodology.


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