Intelligent Tutor with Emotion Recognition and Student Emotion Management for Math Performance


  • Mari­a Luci­a Barron Estrada Instituto Tecnológico de CuliacánDepartamento de Ciencias de la Computación
  • Ramón Zatarain Cabada Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación
  • Yasmín Hernández Pérez Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas Gerencia de Tecnologías de la Información


Web-based instruction, Intelligent tutoring systems, Computer-based learning.


This research presents the development, implementation, and testing of an Intelligent Tutoring System for math in third grade elementary students, it identifies and manages the emotional state of the student; it produces affective feedback for the student during the course that also it is part of a social network. Emotions are recognized via facial expressions by means of an artificial neural network. The social network and the intelligent tutoring system with affective management have been tested in public and private elementary schools with very satisfying results.


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