Expectativas económicas en carreras con perspectivas pobres: los casos de Ingeniería en Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal
Resultados de la educación, Mercado laboral, Potencial de empleoAbstract
Con una metodología cuantitativa, se investigaron las expectativas de beneficio de estudiantes de nivel superior. Se analizaron los datos de una encuesta aplicada a estudiantes de dos carreras agropecuarias (Ingeniería en Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal) con panorama económico adverso. A partir de la Rational Choice Theory (RCT) se examinan las expectativas pecuniarias en comparación con los ingresos de los egresados de tales carreras. Se encontró que las percepciones económicas esperadas están muy por encima de lo imperante y que los estudiantes no parecen haber efectuado una búsqueda activa de información, como lo postula la RCT, puesto que es de libre acceso en Internet la información sobre los ingresos de los profesionales. Los estudiantes tampoco sacaron provecho de fuentes de información relevante, como los profesionistas cercanos a ellos. Existe inadecuación entre las expectativas pecuniarias de los estudiantes y lo que existe en el mercado laboral.Downloads
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Boone, C., van Olffen, W., y Roijakkers, N. (2004). Selection on the road to a career: evidence of personality sorting in educational choice. Journal of Career Development, 3(1), 61-78.
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Brunello, G., Lucifora C. y Winter-Ebmer R. (2004). The wage expectations of european business and economics students. The Journal of Human Resources, 39(4), 1116-1142. doi: 10.3368/jhr.XXXIX.4.1116
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Carvajal, M, J., Bendana D., Bozorgmanesh A., Castillo M. A., Pourmasiha K., Rao P. y Torres J. A. (2000). Inter-gender differentials between college students’ earnings expectations and the experience of recent graduates. Economics of Education Review, 19(3), 229-243. doi: 10.1016/S0272-7757(99)00034-5
Conover, W. J. (1999). Practical nonparametric statistics (3a. ed.). Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons.
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Jacobs, J. A. (2000). Gender and the earnings expectations of college seniors (manuscrito no publicado). Filadelfia, EUA: Universidad de Pennsylvania
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Kiser, E. y Hechter, M. (1998). The debate on historical sociology: rational choice theory and its critics. The American Journal of Sociology, 104(3), 785-816. doi: 10.1086/210086
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Psacharopoulos, G. (1980). Educational planning and the labour market. European Journal of Education, 15(2), 201-220. doi: 10.2307/1502780
Psacharopoulos, G. y Sanyal B. (1981). Student expectations and labour market performance: the case of the Philippines. Higher Education, 10(4), 449-472. doi:10.1007/BF01676926
Psacharopoulos, G. y Kazamias A.M. (1980). Student activism in Greece: a historical and empirical analysis. Higher Education, 9(2), 127-38. doi: 10.1007/BF01680429
Peck, J. S. (2008). Money and meaning: new ways to have conversations about money with your clients: a guide for therapists, coaches, and other professionals. NJ, EUA: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallop, L. J. y Kirby, S. L. (2007). The role of gender and work experience on career and work force diversity expectations. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 8(2), 122-140. Recuperado de http://ibam.com/pubs/jbam/articles/vol8/No2/JBAM_8_2_3.pdf
SecretarÍa de Trabajo y Previsión Social. (2008). Observatorio laboral. México: Autor. Recuperado de http://www.observatoriolaboral.gob.mx/swb/
Van de Werfhorst, H. G., de Graaf, N. D. y Kraaykamp G. (2001). Intergenerational resemblance in field of study in the Netherlands. European Sociological Review, 17(3), 275-293. doi: 10.1093/esr/17.3.275.
Van de Werfhorst, H. G. y Andersen, A. (2005). Social background, credential inflation and educational strategies. Acta Sociológica, 48(4), 321-340. doi: 10.1177/0001699305059945
Webbink, D. y Hartog, J. (2004). Can students predict starting salaries? Yes! Economics of Education Review, 23(2), 103-113. doi:10.1016/S0272-7757(03)00080-3
Bartolucci, J. (1994). Desigualdad social, educación superior y sociología en México. México: Porrúa.
Betts, J. R. (1996). What do students know about wages? Evidence from a study of undergraduates. The Journal of Human Resources, 31(1), 27-56. doi: 10.2307/146042
Boone, C., van Olffen, W., y Roijakkers, N. (2004). Selection on the road to a career: evidence of personality sorting in educational choice. Journal of Career Development, 3(1), 61-78.
doi: 10.1177/089484530403100105
Boudon, R. (1998). Limitations of rational choice theory. The American Journal of Sociology, 104(3), 817-828.
Bourdieu, P. (1988). Homo Academicus. Estados Unidos: Stanford University.
Brunello, G., Lucifora, C. y Winter-Ebmer, R. (2001). The wage expectations of european college students. Documento de discusión No. 2817, Centre for Economic Policy Research. Recuperado de http://ssrn.com/abstract=271709
Brunello, G., Lucifora C. y Winter-Ebmer R. (2004). The wage expectations of european business and economics students. The Journal of Human Resources, 39(4), 1116-1142. doi: 10.3368/jhr.XXXIX.4.1116
Cabrito, B. G. (2001). Higher education and equity in Portugal. Tertiary Education and Management, 7(1), 23-39. doi: 10.1080/13583883.2001.9967037
Carvajal, M, J., Bendana D., Bozorgmanesh A., Castillo M. A., Pourmasiha K., Rao P. y Torres J. A. (2000). Inter-gender differentials between college students’ earnings expectations and the experience of recent graduates. Economics of Education Review, 19(3), 229-243. doi: 10.1016/S0272-7757(99)00034-5
Conover, W. J. (1999). Practical nonparametric statistics (3a. ed.). Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons.
De Paola, M., Lupi, C. y Ordine, P. (2001). A tale on information and wage expectations. Documento de trabajo número 22, Istituto di Studi e analisi economica, Roma. Recuperado de http://lipari.istat.it/digibib/Working_Papers/depaola_lupi_ordine_22_2001.pdf
Dominitz, J. y Manski, C. F. (1996). Eliciting student expectations of the returns to schooling. Journal of Human Resources, 31(1), 1-26. doi: 10.2307/146041
Elster, J. (2002). Teoría de la acción racional y sus rivales, en J. Elster, R. Inglehart y R. Eisler (Eds.), Reflexiones sobre la investigación en ciencias sociales y estudios políticos: memorias seminario octubre 2002 (pp. 19-35). Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Foskett, N. H. y Brown H. J. (1999). Invisibility, perceptions and image: mapping the career choice landscape. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 4(3), 233-248. doi: 10.1080/13596749900200060
Hedström, P. y Stern, C. (2008). Rational choice and sociology. En S. N. Durlauf y L. E. Blume (Eds.), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics (2a. ed.). doi:10.1057/9780230226203.1387
Hodkinson P. y Sparkes A. C. (1997). Careership: a sociological theory of career decision making. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 18(1), 29-44. doi: 10.1080/0142569970180102
Hurtig, J. D. (1998). Myths of (fe) male achievement. La Educación, 129-131. Recuperado de http://www.educoea.org/portal/bdigital/contenido/laeduca/laeduca_129131/articulo6/index.aspx?culture=esynavid=201
Jacobs, J. A. (2000). Gender and the earnings expectations of college seniors (manuscrito no publicado). Filadelfia, EUA: Universidad de Pennsylvania
Johnson, R. B. y Christensen L. (2004). Educational research: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches. EUA: Pearson Education.
Kiser, E. y Hechter, M. (1998). The debate on historical sociology: rational choice theory and its critics. The American Journal of Sociology, 104(3), 785-816. doi: 10.1086/210086
ONU (2005). World youth report 2005: young people today, and in 2015. Nueva York: Autor. Recuperado de http://www.youthpolicy.org/library/documents/world-youth-report-2005-young-people-today-and-in-2015/
Psacharopoulos, G. (1980). Educational planning and the labour market. European Journal of Education, 15(2), 201-220. doi: 10.2307/1502780
Psacharopoulos, G. y Sanyal B. (1981). Student expectations and labour market performance: the case of the Philippines. Higher Education, 10(4), 449-472. doi:10.1007/BF01676926
Psacharopoulos, G. y Kazamias A.M. (1980). Student activism in Greece: a historical and empirical analysis. Higher Education, 9(2), 127-38. doi: 10.1007/BF01680429
Peck, J. S. (2008). Money and meaning: new ways to have conversations about money with your clients: a guide for therapists, coaches, and other professionals. NJ, EUA: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallop, L. J. y Kirby, S. L. (2007). The role of gender and work experience on career and work force diversity expectations. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 8(2), 122-140. Recuperado de http://ibam.com/pubs/jbam/articles/vol8/No2/JBAM_8_2_3.pdf
SecretarÍa de Trabajo y Previsión Social. (2008). Observatorio laboral. México: Autor. Recuperado de http://www.observatoriolaboral.gob.mx/swb/
Van de Werfhorst, H. G., de Graaf, N. D. y Kraaykamp G. (2001). Intergenerational resemblance in field of study in the Netherlands. European Sociological Review, 17(3), 275-293. doi: 10.1093/esr/17.3.275.
Van de Werfhorst, H. G. y Andersen, A. (2005). Social background, credential inflation and educational strategies. Acta Sociológica, 48(4), 321-340. doi: 10.1177/0001699305059945
Webbink, D. y Hartog, J. (2004). Can students predict starting salaries? Yes! Economics of Education Review, 23(2), 103-113. doi:10.1016/S0272-7757(03)00080-3
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