Educational Communities’ Perceptions of the Stimulation of 21st-Century Skills
perception, school systems, skills development, life skillsSupporting Agencies:
Agencia Nacional de Investigación de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Proyecto DIN REG 17/2018.Abstract
This paper describes how educational communities perceive the stimulation of 21st-century skills in students. A quantitative approach was employed, following a descriptive non-experimental research design, with a sample of 692 subjects comprising teachers, students, and parents and guardians. The results reveal a perceived lack of stimulation of digital skills like robotics, electronics, and the development of mobile applications; social skills like taking a rights-based or gender-based approach; emotional skills like self-care and resilience; and cognitive skills like creative and computational thinking. In conclusion, educational communities exhibit only a moderate perception of the stimulation of 21st-century skills, which demonstrates a need to strengthen initiatives to promote these skills in the education system.
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