Learning Disposition Strategy Scale in University Students: Psychometric Properties
educational planning, psychometry, higher educationSupporting Agencies:
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y TecnológicaAbstract
Learning disposition strategies (setting goals, managing time, and organizing resources) are key to self-regulated learning and student performance and so they should be measured as accurately as possible. However, instruments to measure learning strategies are too general to evaluate dispositional strategies. The aim of this study was to design and analyze the psychometric properties of a learning disposition strategy instrument for university students, which was administered to a convenience sample of 630 Chilean university students. An explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis was carried out. The full scale and its four subscales showed adequate internal consistency (α > 0.70), a latent structure that fit the data and weak but statistically significant correlations with student-reported grades. It is concluded that the instrument is reliable and valid for use with higher education students.
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