Analyzing Actual Uses of ICT in Formal Educational Contexts: A Socio-Cultural Approach


  • César Coll Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación Universidad de Barcelona
  • María Teresa Mauri Majós Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación Universidad de Barcelona
  • Javier Onrubia Goñi Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación Universidad de Barcelona


Educational technologies, information and communication technologies, educational innovation, teacher-student relationship.


This paper has three goals: (1) to identify intended and actual uses of ICT in five different didactic sequences; (2) to compare the intended and actual uses of ICT in the sequences; (3) to investigate how the actual uses of ICT in the sequences transform and improve teaching and learning in those classrooms. The didactic sequences were studied using an observational, case study approach. Four main actual uses of ICT were identified. These actual uses differ from the intended uses. The identified actual uses did not involve so much transformation of classroom practice as it was intended. These results are discussed from a socio-cultural view. The need of analysing actual uses of ICT within the framework of teacher-students joint activity is stressed.


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