Autoethnography and School Principals: an Experiential Approach to Educational Reforms in Chile


  • Felipe Aravena Castillo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Marta Quiroga Lobos Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso



Autoetnography, school principals, teacher professional development, educational reforms.

Supporting Agencies:

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


In the last 26 years, many educational reforms have been introduced in Chile with the aim of improving equity and quality in the system. School principals, as both actors and protagonists of these reforms, have developed their own vision of these social phenomena and their effects on educational organizations. It is on this basis that this study seeks to analyze three public policies in education through the experience of senior school principals, using an autoethnographic exploration that is part of a qualitative paradigm. Results show that school principals face these public policies with feelings of fear and uncertainty, and a perceived sense of isolation. The relevance of this study resides in the opportunity to position individuals, from an emotional perspective, in a specific sociocultural context.


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