Likert-Type Scale Format Design: State of the Art


  • Antonio Matas Universidad de Málaga



Escala Likert, encuestas, datos de investigación, sesgo.

Supporting Agencies:

Junta de Andalucía, Universidad de Málaga


Likert-type scales are one of the most commonly used instruments in social sciences and market research. Nonetheless, there is some debate regarding the format needed in these scales to obtain quality data. This study is a review of Likert-type scale formats and their association with data quality. To that effect, a systematic review was performed, along with a synthesis of content, to identify a series of topics that are relevant due to their methodological implications: response bias and styles, the optimal number of alternatives, reasons for choosing the intermediate response, and the effect of the “No Opinion” alternative. On the basis of an analysis and discussion of these topics, the study presents some recommendations for formatting in the conclusions.


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