A Men’s Shed as a Community that Facilitates Well-Being in the Elderly





Aprendizaje informal, Men’s Shed, Centros comunitarios, Salud y bienestar.

Supporting Agencies:

Unión Europea, Programa Europeo de Aprendizaje Permanente, Acción Grundtvig Learning Partnership


Men’s sheds are characterized as a type of community essentially made up of older men at risk of social exclusion. This paper is part of a European study being performed in Faro, Portugal, the aim of which is to analyze the impact of men’s sheds on health and well-being, informal learning, socialization and sense of belonging. The study sample is made up of 5 members of the “Los Amadores” fishing club in Faro. Narrative interviews were used to collect data, and the interviews were then analyzed using the qualitative analysis program Atlas.ti v5. The results obtained offer clear evidence that this type of community facilitates and promotes well-being in members, as well as a sense of belonging through informal learning.


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