A Conceptual Test in Quantum Physics for Engineering Students


  • Raúl Ortiz Pérez Universidad de Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz"
  • Israel Garza López Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León




Test conceptual, Física cuántica, propiedades psicométricas, análisis factorial.

Supporting Agencies:

Dr. Israel Garza López, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (México), Facultad de Física-Matemática y Computación.


The aim of this study was to devise a test with suitable levels of validity and reliability to assess conceptual learning of introductory quantum physics in engineering students in Cuba. A panel of specialists was used to assess the validity of the content of the test, and after the instrument was administered to a sample of engineering students, the psychometric properties of the test were determined, including difficulty, discrimination and reliability indices; a construct validity test was also performed, using factor analysis. The results showed that the test devised (QPCT-UC-1.1) fulfills the levels of validity and reliability required for this kind of instrument, and it is therefore useful in teaching and educational research associated with introductory quantum physics in sociocultural contexts similar to that of the study.


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