Initial Education for Immigrants’ Children in Spain’s “Welcoming Schools”


  • María del Pilar Quicios García Departamento de Teoría de la Educación y Pedagogía Social, Facultad de Educación Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • Isabel Miranda Vizuete Colegio Nuestra Señora de las Delicias


Initial education, immigrants’ children, lag in curriculum, Welcoming Schools.


This article describes the initial training received by immigrants’ children arriving in Spanish schools. It also shows the reality they encounter during their first months of schooling. These students have three hallmarks: ignorance of the Spanish language or a low level of understanding; curricular lag of more than two academic years; or no previous schooling in their countries of origin. Aiming to palliate these deficiencies, and to offer these children some guarantee of success in their studies, the administration’s Board of Education has decided to enroll them temporarily in a series of classrooms designed specifically for them: the “Welcoming Schools”. These classrooms are an innovative educational answer launched in January, 2003, and now beginning to bear fruit.


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Instituto Nacional de Estadística. (2003). La población extranjera en España (Informe). Madrid: Autor. Consultado el 12 de marzo de 2005 en:

Consejería de Educación, Dirección del Área Territorial de Madrid Oeste. (s.f.). Instrucciones generales de la Viseconsejería de Educación para el curso 2003-2004. Consultado el 13 de marzo de 2005 en:

Quicios García, M. del P. (Coord.). (2005). Población inmigrante: su integración en la sociedad española (una visión desde la Educación). Madrid: Pearson Educación.


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