Mathematics textbooks for the first year of junior high school in Mexico: problems and problem-solving strategies
Libros de texto, Solución de problemas, Secundaria, MatemáticasAbstract
Using the classification methods for mathematical problems in textbooks (Fan & Zhu, 2000) and strategies used to solve problems (Fan & Zhu, 2007), this paper reports the results of an analysis and classification of the type of mathematical problems and problem-solving strategies in a sample made up of the five most widely-used mathematics textbooks for the first year of junior high school in the 2013-2014 school year in Mexico. It is concluded that the textbooks focus on providing a comprehensive range of problems that, for the most part, do not allow multiple problem-solving strategies, whereas others can be solved using an algorithm or direct procedure.Downloads
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Mayer, R., Sims, V. K. y Tajika, H. (1995). A comparison of how textbooks teach mathematical problem solving in Japan and the United States. American Educational Research Journal, 32(2), 443-460.
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Usiskin, Z. (2013). Studying textbooks in an information age-a United States perspective. ZDM Mathematics Education, 45, 713-723.
Alajmi, A. H. (2012). How do elementary textbooks address fractions? A review of mathematics textbooks in the USA, Japan, and Kuwait. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 79(2), 239-261.
Chevallard, Y. (1997). La transposición didáctica. Del saber sabio al saber enseñado. Buenos Aires: Aique Editores.
Fan, L. y Zhu, Y. (2007). Representation of problem-solving procedures: A comparative look at China, Singapore, and US mathematics textbooks. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 66(1), 61-75.
Fan, L. y Zhu, Y. (2000). Problem solving in singaporean secondary mathematics textbooks. The Mathematics Educator, 5(1), 117-141.
Fan, L. y Kaeley, G. (2000). The influence of textbooks on teaching strategies: An empirical study. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 13(4), 2-9.
Kurtz, E. B. y Borkowski, J.G. (1984). Children’s metacognition: exploring relations among knowledge, process, and motivational variables. Journal of experimental Child Psychology,37(2), 335-354.
Lester, F. K. (2013). Thoughts about research on mathematical problem solving instruction. The Mathematics Enthusiast,10, (1 y 2), 245-278.
Mayer, R., Sims, V. K. y Tajika, H. (1995). A comparison of how textbooks teach mathematical problem solving in Japan and the United States. American Educational Research Journal, 32(2), 443-460.
Marván, L. M. (2001). Hacer Matemáticas. México: Santillana
Mejía, F. (2014). Las estrategias de profesores de matemática en secundaria para resolver problemas. Tesis de Doctorado. Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México.
Poy, L. (26 de julio de 2012). La Conaliteg compra 48 millones de libros al año. La Jornada, p. 42. Recuperado de
Poy, L. (23 de junio de 2012). Pagó Conaliteg a editoriales privadas mil 135 millones de pesos por textos para secundaria. La Jornada, p. 38. Recuperado de
Schoenfeld, A. H. (1985). Mathematical problem solving. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Secretaría de Educación Pública (2015). Sistema Nacional de Información Estadística Educativa. Recuperado de
Secretaría de Educación Pública (2011). Programas de Estudio 2011, Guía para el maestro. México: Autor.
Usiskin, Z. (2013). Studying textbooks in an information age-a United States perspective. ZDM Mathematics Education, 45, 713-723.
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