Transformation of Multilingual Practices: Contradictions Between Thought and Action. A Case Study




teacher training, multilingualism, pedagogical practice, mediation, beliefs system

Supporting Agencies:

Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte


This article presents a formative intervention, grounded in sociocultural theory, that seeks to transform educational practice in multilingual and intercultural contexts by focusing on teacher training and ways of reconceptualizing teaching practice. The training process was carried out with ten teachers from different levels of education. The data was obtained through dialogic and conceptual mediation processes using language life stories, semi-structured interviews, discussion groups, self-confrontation, and specialized literature. The analysis shows that when teachers become aware of and contrast their own representations and actions, tensions and contradictions emerge between what they think and what they do. The originality of this approach lies in a change in knowledge, know-how, and conduct in a complex social context, pointing to a need to move toward transformative practices.


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