Socio-Familial Mediation Models in Developing Digital Competence




digital skills, educational technology, communication technology, basic education

Supporting Agencies:

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del gobierno de España (EVADISO, EDU2015-67975-C3-3-P, MINECO/FEDER)


This study proposes mediation models to explain the influence of socio-familial variables in evaluating digital competence in communication and collaboration among Spanish students in compulsory education (ESO; 12-16 years of age). A non-experimental quantitative methodology was employed, within an explanatory, cross-sectional design, with a sample of 609 students from 18 schools, selected by stratified random sampling. Data was collected using an objective assessment test of knowledge and skills, and a Likert scale for attitudes. Regression analyses were performed by creating theoretical reference models with bootstrapping. The results show, through different models, the influence of socio-familial variables in acquiring and developing digital competence.


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