Narrative inquiry and historical skills. A study in teacher training
Narrative inquiry, history education, elementary school teacher training.Agências de fomento:
Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (Spain)Resumo
This paper addresses narrative thinking and literacy levels in future primary school teachers in Spain. It uses the study of a historical synthesis of one of the main narratives in Spanish history: the Christian expansion through Muslim territories in the Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages. Accounts by 283 students of the degree in elementary school teaching at the universities of Valencia and Murcia were studied. The aim was to ascertain the students' discursive abilities with respect to their historical thinking skills. The results reveal poor narrative skills in future teachers and a very low level of historical literacy.Downloads
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Ashby, R. (2004). Developing a concept of historical evidence: Students’ ideas about testing singular factual claims. International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research, 4(2).
Bage, G. (1999). Narrative matters. Teaching and learning history through story. New York: Routledge.
Barca, I. (2000). O pensamento histórico dos jovens. Braga: Universidade do Minho.
Barca, I. (2005). “Till new facts are discovered”: Students’ ideas about objectivity in history. In R. Ashby, P. Gordon, & P. Lee (Eds.), International review of history education, Vol. 4: Understanding history: Recent research in history education (pp. 68-82). New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
Barton, K. C. (2005). “Best not to forget them”: Adolescents’ judgments of historical significance in Northern Ireland. Theory and Research in Social Education, 33, 9-44.
Barton, K. C. (2012). Applied research: Educational research as a way of seeing. In A. McCully, G. Mills, & C. van Boxtel (Eds.), The professional teaching of history: UK and Dutch perspectives (pp. 1-15). Coleraine, Northern Ireland: History Teacher Education Network.
Barton, K. & Levstik, L. (2004). Teaching history for the common good. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Biggs, J. & Tang, C. (2007). Teaching for quality learning at university. What the student does. Berkshire: McGrawHill.
Bruner, J. (1986). Actual minds. Possible worlds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bruner, J. (1997). La educación puerta de la cultura [Education, a door to culture]. Madrid: Visor.
Cain, T. & Chapman, A. (2014). Dysfunctional dichotomies? Deflating bipolar constructions of curriculum and pedagogy through case studies from music and history. The Curriculum Journal, 25(1), 111-114.
Carretero, M. & López, C. (2009). Estudios cognitivos sobre el conocimiento histórico: aportaciones para la enseñanza y la alfabetización histórica [Cognitive studies on historical knowledge: contributions to historical literacy and teaching]. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, 9, 79-83.
Carretero, M. & Van Alphen, F. (2014). Do master narratives change among high school students? A characterization of how national history is represented. Cognition and Instruction, 32(3), 290-312, doi:10.1080/07370008.2014.919298
Carretero, M. & Atorresi, A. (2008). Pensamiento narrativo [Narrative thinking]. In M. Carretero & M. Asensio (Eds.), Psicología del pensamiento [Psychology of thought] (pp. 269-289). Madrid: Alianza.
Carretero, M. & Bermúdez, A. (2012). Constructing histories. In J. Valsiner (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Culture and Psychology (pp. 625-646). Oxford University Press.
Carretero, M. & López, C. (2010). The narrative mediation on historical remembering. In S. Salvatore, J. Valsiner, J. T. Simon & A. Gennaro (Eds.), Yearbook of Idiographic Science (Vol. 3) (pp. 285-294). Rome: Firera & Liuzzo.
Carretero, M., López, C., Fernanda, M. F. & Rodríguez-Moneo, M. (2012). Students’ historical narratives and concepts about the nation. In M. Carretero, M. Asensio & M. Rodríguez-Moneo (Eds.), History education and the construction of national identities (pp. 153-170). Charlotte, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Carretero, M. & Voss, J. (Comp.) (2004). Aprender y pensar la historia. [Learn and think History]. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
Chapman, A. (2011). Understanding historical knowing: Evidence and accounts. In L. Perikleous & D. Shemilt (Eds.), The future of the past: Why history education matters (pp. 169-216). Nicosia: Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, Kailas Printers.
Chartier, C. (2007). La historia o la lectura del tiempo [The history or reading of time]. Madrid: Gedisa.
Clark, P. (Ed.) (2011). New possibilities for the past. Shaping history education in Canada. Vancouver-Toronto: UBC Press.
Cooper, H. & Chapman, A. (Ed.) (2009). Constructing history. London: Sage.
Flick, U. (2007). Introducción a la investigación cualitativa [Introduction to qualitative research]. Madrid: Morata.
García-Fitz, F. (2010). La Reconquista [The reconquest]. Universidad de Granada.
Gómez, C. J. (2014). Pensamiento histórico y contenidos disciplinares en los libros de texto. Un análisis exploratorio de la Edad Moderna en 2.º de la ESO [Historical thought and disciplinary content in textbooks. An exploratory analysis of the modern era in the 2nd year of secondary education]. Ensayos. Revista de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete, 29(1), 131-158.
Gómez, C. J. & Miralles, P. (2013). Los contenidos de ciencias sociales y las capacidades cognitivas en los exámenes de tercer ciclo de educación primaria ¿Una evaluación de competencias? [The content of social sciences and cognitive ability in exams in the third cycle of primary education, an assessment of skills?] Revista Complutense de Educación, 24(1), 91-121.
Gómez, C. J. & Miralles, P. (2015). ¿Pensar históricamente o memorizar el pasado? La evaluación de los contenidos históricos en la educación obligatoria en España [Think historically or memorize the past? Assessment of historical content in obligatory education in Spain]. Revista de Estudios Sociales, 52, 52-68.
Gómez, C. J., Ortuño, J. & Molina, S. (2014). Aprender a pensar históricamente. Retos para la historia en el siglo XXI [Learning to think historically. Challenges for history in the 21st century]. Tempo e Argumento, 6(11), 1-25.
Gómez, C. J., Rodríguez, R. A., & Miralles, P. (2015). La enseñanza de la Historia en Educación Primaria y la construcción de una narrativa nacional. Un estudio sobre exámenes y libros de texto en España [Teaching history in primary education and the construction of a national narrative. A study of exams and textbooks in Spain]. Perfiles Educativos, XXXVII (150), 20-38.
Grant, S. G. (2001). It’s just the facts, or is it? The relationship between teachers’ practices and students’ understandings of history. Theory and Research in Social Education, 29, 65-108.
Henríquez, R. (2004). Relatando el pasado. El uso de las narraciones en la didáctica de las ciencias sociales [Narrating the past. The use of narration in teaching social sciences], in Batllori, R., Gómez, E., Oller, M., & Pagès, J. (Eds.). De la teoria al aula. Formació del professorat i ensenyament de les Ciències Socials (pp. 238-248). Barcelona, Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua, de la Literatura i de les Ciències Socials.
Lee, P. (2001). History in an information culture. International Journal of Historical Learning. Teaching and Research, 1(2).
Lee, P. (2005), Putting principles intro practice: Understanding history. In M. Donovan & J. Bransford (Ed.), How students learn: History in the classroom (pp. 31-77). Washington: National Academies Press.
Lee, P. (2011). History education and historical literacy. In I. Davies (Ed). Debates in History Teaching (63-72). London-New York: Routledge.
Lee, P. & Ashby, R. (2000). Progression in historical understanding among students ages 7-14. In P. N. Stearns, P. Seixas & S. Wineburg (Ed.), Knowing, teaching and learning history. National and international perspectives (199-222), New York-London: New York University Press.
Lee, P., Ashby, R. & Dickinson, A. (2004). Las ideas de los niños sobre la historia [Children’s ideas about history]. In M. Carretero & J. Voss (Comp.), Aprender y pensar la historia (pp. 217-248). Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
Lee, P. & Shelmilt, D. (2004). I just wish we could go back in the past and find out what really happened: progression in understanding about historical accounts. Teaching History, 117, 25-31.
Lévesque, S. (2008). Thinking historically. Educating students for the 21th century. University of Toronto Press.
López, C., Carretero, M. & Rodríguez-Moneo, M. (2015). Conquest or reconquest? Students’ conceptions of nation embedded in a historical narrative. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 24, 252-285. doi:10.1080/10508406.2014.919863
Lukas, J. F. & Santiago, K. (2009). Evaluación educativa [Educational assessment]. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
McAdams, D. P. (2006). The role of narrative in personality psychology today. Narrative Inquiry, 16(1), 11-18.
Monte-Sano, Ch. (2010). Disciplinary literacy in history: An exploration of the historical nature of adolescents’ writing. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 19(4), 539-568.
Mora, G. & Paz, R. (2012). El modelo de educación histórica. Experiencia de innovación en la educación básica de México [The history education model. The experience of an innovation in basic-level education in Mexico], Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, 11, 87-98.
Peck, C. & Seixas, P. (2008). Benchmarks of historical thinking: First steps. Canadian Journal of Education, 31(4), 1015-1038.
Prats, J. (2002). Hacia una definición de la investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales [Towards a definition of research in the didactics of social science]. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales. Revista de investigación, 1, 81-89.
Ricoeur, P. (1995). Tiempo y narración [Time and narrative]. Madrid: Cristiandad.
Ríos, M. (2011). La Reconquista. Una construcción historiográfica (siglos XVI-XIX) [The reconquest. A historiographic construction]. Madrid: Marcial Pons.
Rüsen, J. (2005). History: Narration, interpretation, orientation. New York: Berghahn.
Rüsen, J. (2010). E o ensino de História. Curitiba: Editora UFPR.
Sabariego, M. & Bisquerra, R. (2012). El proceso de investigación (parte I) [The research process (part I)]. In R. Bisquerra (Coord.), Metodología de la investigación educativa [Methodology of educational research] (pp. 89-125). Madrid: La Muralla.
Sabariego, M., Massot, I. & Dorio, I. (2012). Métodos de investigación cualitativa [Qualitative research methods]. In R. Bisquerra (Coord.), Metodología de la investigación educativa [Methodology of educational research] (pp. 293-328). Madrid: La Muralla.
Sáiz, J. (2011). Actividades de libros de texto de Historia, competencias básicas y destrezas cognitivas, una difícil relación: análisis de manuales de 1.º y 2.º de ESO [History textbook activities and basic and cognitive skills, a difficult relationship: analysis of textbooks from 1st and 2nd grade of secondary education]. Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales, 25, 37-64.
Sáiz, J. (2012). La Península Ibérica medieval y las identidades en los actuales libros de texto de historia de 2.º de ESO [The medieval Iberian península and identities in today’s textbooks. Íber. Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, 70, 67-77.
Sáiz, J. (2013). Alfabetización histórica y competencias básicas en libros de texto de historia y en aprendizaje de los estudiantes [Historical literacy and basic skills in history textbooks and students’ learning]. Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales, 27, 43-66.
Sáiz, J. (2015). Educación histórica y narrativa nacional [Historical education and national narrative]. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Valencia, España.
Sáiz, J. & Fuster, C. (2014). Memorizar historia sin aprender pensamiento histórico. Las PAU de Historia de España [Memorizing history without learning historical thinking. University access tests in history in Spain]. Investigación en la Escuela, 84, 46-57.
Sáiz, J. & López Facal, R. (2015). Competencias y narrativas históricas: el pensamiento histórico de estudiantes y futuros profesores españoles de Educación Secundaria [Historical competencies and narratives: the historical thinking of students and pre-service teachers]. Revista de Estudios Sociales, 52, 87-101.
Sáiz, J. & Gómez, C.J. (2016). Investigar el pensamiento histórico y narrativo en la formación del profesorado: fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos [Researching historical and narrative thinking in teacher education: theoretical and methodological basis]. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 19(1), 175-190.
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Schmidt, M. A. & Barca, I. (Org.). (2009). Aprender história: perspectivas da educação histórica. Brasil: Unijui.
Seixas, P. & Morton, T. (2013). The big six historical thinking concepts. Toronto: Nelson.
Stearns, P.N., Seixas, P. & Wineburg, S. (Eds.) (2000). Knowing, teaching and learning history. National and international perspectives. New York-London: New York University Press.
Strauss, A. & Corbin, J. (1991). Basics of qualitative research – Grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Topolsky, J. (2004). La estructura de las narrativas históricas y la enseñanza de la historia [The structure of historical narratives and history teaching]. In M. Carretero & J. Voss (Comps.), Aprender y pensar la historia [Learning and thinking about history] (pp. 101-120). Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
Van Drie, J. & Van Boxtel, C. (2008). Historical reasoning: towards a framework for analyzing students’ reasoning about the past. Educational Psychology Review, 20, 87-110.
VanSledright, B. A. (2008). Narratives of nation-state, historical knowledge and school history education. Review of Research in Education, 32(1), 109-146.
VanSledright, B. A. (2011). The challenge of rethinking history education. On practice, theories, and policy. New York: Routledge.
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Bage, G. (1999). Narrative matters. Teaching and learning history through story. New York: Routledge.
Barca, I. (2000). O pensamento histórico dos jovens. Braga: Universidade do Minho.
Barca, I. (2005). “Till new facts are discovered”: Students’ ideas about objectivity in history. In R. Ashby, P. Gordon, & P. Lee (Eds.), International review of history education, Vol. 4: Understanding history: Recent research in history education (pp. 68-82). New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
Barton, K. C. (2005). “Best not to forget them”: Adolescents’ judgments of historical significance in Northern Ireland. Theory and Research in Social Education, 33, 9-44.
Barton, K. C. (2012). Applied research: Educational research as a way of seeing. In A. McCully, G. Mills, & C. van Boxtel (Eds.), The professional teaching of history: UK and Dutch perspectives (pp. 1-15). Coleraine, Northern Ireland: History Teacher Education Network.
Barton, K. & Levstik, L. (2004). Teaching history for the common good. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Biggs, J. & Tang, C. (2007). Teaching for quality learning at university. What the student does. Berkshire: McGrawHill.
Bruner, J. (1986). Actual minds. Possible worlds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bruner, J. (1997). La educación puerta de la cultura [Education, a door to culture]. Madrid: Visor.
Cain, T. & Chapman, A. (2014). Dysfunctional dichotomies? Deflating bipolar constructions of curriculum and pedagogy through case studies from music and history. The Curriculum Journal, 25(1), 111-114.
Carretero, M. & López, C. (2009). Estudios cognitivos sobre el conocimiento histórico: aportaciones para la enseñanza y la alfabetización histórica [Cognitive studies on historical knowledge: contributions to historical literacy and teaching]. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, 9, 79-83.
Carretero, M. & Van Alphen, F. (2014). Do master narratives change among high school students? A characterization of how national history is represented. Cognition and Instruction, 32(3), 290-312, doi:10.1080/07370008.2014.919298
Carretero, M. & Atorresi, A. (2008). Pensamiento narrativo [Narrative thinking]. In M. Carretero & M. Asensio (Eds.), Psicología del pensamiento [Psychology of thought] (pp. 269-289). Madrid: Alianza.
Carretero, M. & Bermúdez, A. (2012). Constructing histories. In J. Valsiner (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Culture and Psychology (pp. 625-646). Oxford University Press.
Carretero, M. & López, C. (2010). The narrative mediation on historical remembering. In S. Salvatore, J. Valsiner, J. T. Simon & A. Gennaro (Eds.), Yearbook of Idiographic Science (Vol. 3) (pp. 285-294). Rome: Firera & Liuzzo.
Carretero, M., López, C., Fernanda, M. F. & Rodríguez-Moneo, M. (2012). Students’ historical narratives and concepts about the nation. In M. Carretero, M. Asensio & M. Rodríguez-Moneo (Eds.), History education and the construction of national identities (pp. 153-170). Charlotte, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Carretero, M. & Voss, J. (Comp.) (2004). Aprender y pensar la historia. [Learn and think History]. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
Chapman, A. (2011). Understanding historical knowing: Evidence and accounts. In L. Perikleous & D. Shemilt (Eds.), The future of the past: Why history education matters (pp. 169-216). Nicosia: Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, Kailas Printers.
Chartier, C. (2007). La historia o la lectura del tiempo [The history or reading of time]. Madrid: Gedisa.
Clark, P. (Ed.) (2011). New possibilities for the past. Shaping history education in Canada. Vancouver-Toronto: UBC Press.
Cooper, H. & Chapman, A. (Ed.) (2009). Constructing history. London: Sage.
Flick, U. (2007). Introducción a la investigación cualitativa [Introduction to qualitative research]. Madrid: Morata.
García-Fitz, F. (2010). La Reconquista [The reconquest]. Universidad de Granada.
Gómez, C. J. (2014). Pensamiento histórico y contenidos disciplinares en los libros de texto. Un análisis exploratorio de la Edad Moderna en 2.º de la ESO [Historical thought and disciplinary content in textbooks. An exploratory analysis of the modern era in the 2nd year of secondary education]. Ensayos. Revista de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete, 29(1), 131-158.
Gómez, C. J. & Miralles, P. (2013). Los contenidos de ciencias sociales y las capacidades cognitivas en los exámenes de tercer ciclo de educación primaria ¿Una evaluación de competencias? [The content of social sciences and cognitive ability in exams in the third cycle of primary education, an assessment of skills?] Revista Complutense de Educación, 24(1), 91-121.
Gómez, C. J. & Miralles, P. (2015). ¿Pensar históricamente o memorizar el pasado? La evaluación de los contenidos históricos en la educación obligatoria en España [Think historically or memorize the past? Assessment of historical content in obligatory education in Spain]. Revista de Estudios Sociales, 52, 52-68.
Gómez, C. J., Ortuño, J. & Molina, S. (2014). Aprender a pensar históricamente. Retos para la historia en el siglo XXI [Learning to think historically. Challenges for history in the 21st century]. Tempo e Argumento, 6(11), 1-25.
Gómez, C. J., Rodríguez, R. A., & Miralles, P. (2015). La enseñanza de la Historia en Educación Primaria y la construcción de una narrativa nacional. Un estudio sobre exámenes y libros de texto en España [Teaching history in primary education and the construction of a national narrative. A study of exams and textbooks in Spain]. Perfiles Educativos, XXXVII (150), 20-38.
Grant, S. G. (2001). It’s just the facts, or is it? The relationship between teachers’ practices and students’ understandings of history. Theory and Research in Social Education, 29, 65-108.
Henríquez, R. (2004). Relatando el pasado. El uso de las narraciones en la didáctica de las ciencias sociales [Narrating the past. The use of narration in teaching social sciences], in Batllori, R., Gómez, E., Oller, M., & Pagès, J. (Eds.). De la teoria al aula. Formació del professorat i ensenyament de les Ciències Socials (pp. 238-248). Barcelona, Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua, de la Literatura i de les Ciències Socials.
Lee, P. (2001). History in an information culture. International Journal of Historical Learning. Teaching and Research, 1(2).
Lee, P. (2005), Putting principles intro practice: Understanding history. In M. Donovan & J. Bransford (Ed.), How students learn: History in the classroom (pp. 31-77). Washington: National Academies Press.
Lee, P. (2011). History education and historical literacy. In I. Davies (Ed). Debates in History Teaching (63-72). London-New York: Routledge.
Lee, P. & Ashby, R. (2000). Progression in historical understanding among students ages 7-14. In P. N. Stearns, P. Seixas & S. Wineburg (Ed.), Knowing, teaching and learning history. National and international perspectives (199-222), New York-London: New York University Press.
Lee, P., Ashby, R. & Dickinson, A. (2004). Las ideas de los niños sobre la historia [Children’s ideas about history]. In M. Carretero & J. Voss (Comp.), Aprender y pensar la historia (pp. 217-248). Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
Lee, P. & Shelmilt, D. (2004). I just wish we could go back in the past and find out what really happened: progression in understanding about historical accounts. Teaching History, 117, 25-31.
Lévesque, S. (2008). Thinking historically. Educating students for the 21th century. University of Toronto Press.
López, C., Carretero, M. & Rodríguez-Moneo, M. (2015). Conquest or reconquest? Students’ conceptions of nation embedded in a historical narrative. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 24, 252-285. doi:10.1080/10508406.2014.919863
Lukas, J. F. & Santiago, K. (2009). Evaluación educativa [Educational assessment]. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
McAdams, D. P. (2006). The role of narrative in personality psychology today. Narrative Inquiry, 16(1), 11-18.
Monte-Sano, Ch. (2010). Disciplinary literacy in history: An exploration of the historical nature of adolescents’ writing. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 19(4), 539-568.
Mora, G. & Paz, R. (2012). El modelo de educación histórica. Experiencia de innovación en la educación básica de México [The history education model. The experience of an innovation in basic-level education in Mexico], Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, 11, 87-98.
Peck, C. & Seixas, P. (2008). Benchmarks of historical thinking: First steps. Canadian Journal of Education, 31(4), 1015-1038.
Prats, J. (2002). Hacia una definición de la investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales [Towards a definition of research in the didactics of social science]. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales. Revista de investigación, 1, 81-89.
Ricoeur, P. (1995). Tiempo y narración [Time and narrative]. Madrid: Cristiandad.
Ríos, M. (2011). La Reconquista. Una construcción historiográfica (siglos XVI-XIX) [The reconquest. A historiographic construction]. Madrid: Marcial Pons.
Rüsen, J. (2005). History: Narration, interpretation, orientation. New York: Berghahn.
Rüsen, J. (2010). E o ensino de História. Curitiba: Editora UFPR.
Sabariego, M. & Bisquerra, R. (2012). El proceso de investigación (parte I) [The research process (part I)]. In R. Bisquerra (Coord.), Metodología de la investigación educativa [Methodology of educational research] (pp. 89-125). Madrid: La Muralla.
Sabariego, M., Massot, I. & Dorio, I. (2012). Métodos de investigación cualitativa [Qualitative research methods]. In R. Bisquerra (Coord.), Metodología de la investigación educativa [Methodology of educational research] (pp. 293-328). Madrid: La Muralla.
Sáiz, J. (2011). Actividades de libros de texto de Historia, competencias básicas y destrezas cognitivas, una difícil relación: análisis de manuales de 1.º y 2.º de ESO [History textbook activities and basic and cognitive skills, a difficult relationship: analysis of textbooks from 1st and 2nd grade of secondary education]. Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales, 25, 37-64.
Sáiz, J. (2012). La Península Ibérica medieval y las identidades en los actuales libros de texto de historia de 2.º de ESO [The medieval Iberian península and identities in today’s textbooks. Íber. Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, 70, 67-77.
Sáiz, J. (2013). Alfabetización histórica y competencias básicas en libros de texto de historia y en aprendizaje de los estudiantes [Historical literacy and basic skills in history textbooks and students’ learning]. Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales, 27, 43-66.
Sáiz, J. (2015). Educación histórica y narrativa nacional [Historical education and national narrative]. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Valencia, España.
Sáiz, J. & Fuster, C. (2014). Memorizar historia sin aprender pensamiento histórico. Las PAU de Historia de España [Memorizing history without learning historical thinking. University access tests in history in Spain]. Investigación en la Escuela, 84, 46-57.
Sáiz, J. & López Facal, R. (2015). Competencias y narrativas históricas: el pensamiento histórico de estudiantes y futuros profesores españoles de Educación Secundaria [Historical competencies and narratives: the historical thinking of students and pre-service teachers]. Revista de Estudios Sociales, 52, 87-101.
Sáiz, J. & Gómez, C.J. (2016). Investigar el pensamiento histórico y narrativo en la formación del profesorado: fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos [Researching historical and narrative thinking in teacher education: theoretical and methodological basis]. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 19(1), 175-190.
Sandín, M. P. (2003). Investigación cualitativa en la educación: Fundamentos y tradiciones [Qualitative research in education: Foundations and traditions]. Madrid: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España.
Schmidt, M. A. & Barca, I. (Org.). (2009). Aprender história: perspectivas da educação histórica. Brasil: Unijui.
Seixas, P. & Morton, T. (2013). The big six historical thinking concepts. Toronto: Nelson.
Stearns, P.N., Seixas, P. & Wineburg, S. (Eds.) (2000). Knowing, teaching and learning history. National and international perspectives. New York-London: New York University Press.
Strauss, A. & Corbin, J. (1991). Basics of qualitative research – Grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Topolsky, J. (2004). La estructura de las narrativas históricas y la enseñanza de la historia [The structure of historical narratives and history teaching]. In M. Carretero & J. Voss (Comps.), Aprender y pensar la historia [Learning and thinking about history] (pp. 101-120). Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
Van Drie, J. & Van Boxtel, C. (2008). Historical reasoning: towards a framework for analyzing students’ reasoning about the past. Educational Psychology Review, 20, 87-110.
VanSledright, B. A. (2008). Narratives of nation-state, historical knowledge and school history education. Review of Research in Education, 32(1), 109-146.
VanSledright, B. A. (2011). The challenge of rethinking history education. On practice, theories, and policy. New York: Routledge.
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